2020年6月11日 星期四

Dan Seals -Big Wheels In The Moonlight

有人說在小鎮生活的回憶成了許多暢銷曲的來源Dan Seals 1989年的鄉村歌曲排行榜冠軍曲“Big Wheels In The Moonlight”就是這樣一小鎮之憶

           按照作曲搭檔 Bob McDill 的說法他和 Seals一起寫歌詞想要套上他們已經寫好的Dan Seals 告訴McDill 很多年輕時候的往事住在一個只有一個紅綠燈的的德州小鎮Rankin晚上躺到床上時會聽到紅燈換綠燈時的大卡車換檔加速的聲音跟很多小鎮長大的孩子小小年紀的 Dan 也夢想離開小鎮做點大事

1989年時那個小鎮男孩的美夢寫成了Dan Seals “Big Wheels In The Moonlight”那是他第18首進鄉村歌曲排行榜的暢銷曲也是他第9冠軍曲

Dan Seals 1948年出生於美國德州McCamey1970年代走紅的二重唱England Dan&John Ford Corley(I Really Love To See You Tonight #2)的England Dan就是而另一1970年代走紅的二重唱Seals&Crofts(Summer Breeze #6)的Jim Seals 則是他哥哥

         Dan Seals 2009年三月因癌症病逝除了回味他的小鎮之憶  “Big Wheels In The Moonlight”也以他從未發行單曲的抒情曲Lullaby來紀念這位後來在鄉村歌唱界非常紅的已故歌手與作曲人Dan Seals







Big Wheels in the Moonlight

  Songwriters: Bob Mcdill / Danny Seals


I came from a town that was so small you look both ways and you could see it all
All I wanted was some way out every evening I'd slip into town
And stand around by the caution light and watch the big trucks rolling by
For me it was a beautiful sight big wheels in the moonlight

I had a case of wanderlust I'd lie awake with the windows up
Out on highway fifty-nine I could hear some big old diesel whine
She was going through all the gears headed out to who knows where
I fell asleep most every night dreaming about big wheels in the moonlight

And I want to put my life on the centerline
And I want to see the world before I die
And I know that there's a peace I'll never find
'Cause those big old wheels keep rolling through my mind

How I got here it's hard to say so many things got in my way
Can't complain about all I've got kids and a wife and a regular job
But at night when I'm setting here all alone in a living room chair
Sometimes I close my eyes and see big wheels in the moonlight

And I want to put my life on the centerline
And I want to see the world before I die
And I know that there's a peace I'll never find
'Cause those big old wheels keep rolling through my mind

And I want to put my life on the centerline
And I want to see the world before I die
And I know that there's a peace I'll never find
'Cause those big old wheels keep rolling through my mind

'Cause those big old wheels keep rolling through my mind




MC HAMMER-U Can't Touch This

    One Hit Wonder 今天介紹 饒舌 樂手 MC HAMMER 1990年 得到第8 名的 暢銷曲 “U Can't Touch This ”。   1986年後 Hip Hop 嘻哈 音樂開始流行 。 嘻哈音樂也可稱 Rap 饒舌音樂...