2021年4月29日 星期四

A Flock Of Seagulls-I Ran(So Far Away)

 今天介紹一首New wave「新浪潮」歌曲A Flock Of SeagullsI Ran(So Far Away)

  Punk龐克音樂成為流行音樂主流之後在二年之內搞砸了,它表面上的成功其實基礎是很脆弱的。Sex Pistols「性手槍」樂團的主唱Johnny ‘Rotten’ Lydon持續在Sex Pistols「性手槍」、Public Image Ltd「公共形象有限公司」或者PiL「菲爾」這些樂團,以一種身段柔軟,立場強硬的方式去定義post-punk 「後龐克」及new-wave「新浪潮」運動。

 轟隆隆的鼓聲、大而空蕩的歌聲、幾乎不掩飾怨恨,那是沒有搖滾的龐克,音樂不再有入門指導,也沒有一點點可確定的歷史性參考資料。Post-punk 是一個很棒的名字,儘管punk已不再是引用參考重點,他一度想越過punk,但因為需要punk以便在歌壇出頭,最後還是用了。

  New wave「新浪潮」是一個完全不一樣的東西,new wave的樂手就像Claire Morales克萊爾莫洛斯的專輯〈Amaranthine 〉「深紫紅的」裡唱的“ Serious Young Things”「嚴肅的年輕人」一樣,毫無疑問他們有時尚品味和大學文憑,他們打細領帶,穿尖頭鞋、墊肩、百褶庫,他們的頭髮刺蝟似的尖而長。

  試驗性的音樂、悅耳易記朗朗上口、旋律優美的、 令人激動、喜怒無常,new wave 「新浪潮」以他們的主鍵琴與新的編曲,接管了全世界的排行榜。 

  吉它不全包含在內的new wave音樂是一種風格,包含大力的打鼓、撥弄和弦,變成一種機敏風趣的、抒情的、快節奏的流行音樂,也變成吸引排行榜的誘餌。創作這種音樂的團體有: Elvis Costello & the Attractions「艾維士與誘惑力」、XTC及「金髮女郎」樂團。

   Post-punk後龐克new wave新浪潮一起永遠改變了音樂,儘管80年代開風氣之先風光的早期採用者,洗刷了過於真誠的意圖,龐克那個年代的遺產已經有深遠的意義,這個流派引發、催生了它。來自英國利物浦的A Flock Of Seagulls即是這股新浪潮當中的一個亮點

      I Ran(So Far Away)1982年曾於Billboard Hot 100榜獲得過第9名。


◎我在本期《WAVES生活潮藝文誌》季刊有一篇「龐克與後龐克Punk&Post Punk」的詳細介紹,有興趣的朋友可以去書店看看。




I Ran

A Flock Of Seagulls

Songwriters: F. Maudsley / M. Score / P. Reynolds / A. Score


I walked along the avenue

I never thought I'd meet a girl like you

Meet a girl like you

With auburn hair and tawny eyes

The kind of eyes that hypnotize me through

Hypnotize me through

And I ran, I ran so far away

I just ran, I ran all night and day

I couldn't get away

A cloud appears above your head

A beam of light comes shining down on you

Shining down on you

The cloud is moving nearer still

Aurora borealis comes in view

Aurora comes in view

And I ran, I ran so far away

I just ran, I ran all night and day

I couldn't get away

Reached out a hand to touch your face

You're slowly disappearing from my view

'Pearing from my view

Reached out a hand to try again

I'm floating in a beam of light with you

A beam of light with you

And I ran, I ran so far away

I just ran, I ran all night and day

And I ran, I ran so far away

I just ran, I couldn't get away



2021年4月22日 星期四

Van Halen-When It's Love

    上週介紹在The Top 100 Alternative Rock Artist 「百大另類搖滾藝人排行榜獲得冠軍的合唱團Foo Fighters,他們在The Top 100 Mainstream Rock Artist 「百大主流搖滾藝人排行榜」則獲得第12名,那麼正統的主流搖滾冠軍是何許人呢?

  Van Halen

  去年(2020)10月初 Van Halen的主唱吉他手Edward Van Halen 去世時曾經在本部落格介紹過Van Halen這個重搖滾樂團Hard-rock band

  Edward Lodewijk Van Halen 1955年出生於荷蘭,他是Van Halen的主唱吉他手,1972年與哥哥(鼓手)Alex Van Halen,貝斯手Mark Stone,主唱David Lee Roth一同創立這個樂團,在搖滾樂界Edward Van Halen被認定為最棒的吉他手之一

    Alex Eddie兄弟 1964年組了一個叫Broken Combs的樂團,經過一段時間的變遷才改名Van HalenVan Halen樂團 1978年推出第一張同名專輯後開始走紅

  Van Halen作品很多,是歷年暢銷歌星及樂團排行榜第176名的重搖滾樂團,他們在Billboard Hot 100排行榜名次最好的歌是1984年連續五周獲得冠軍的 "Jump"。而在Billboard Mainstream Rock主流搖滾排行榜Van Halen有一首1988年七月初推出的 "When It’s Love" 獲得過冠軍(Hot 100榜第5)




When It's Love

Songwriters: Alex Van Halen / Edward Van Halen / Sammy Hagar / Michael


AnthonyEverybody's lookin' for somethin'

Somethin' to fill in the holes

We think a lot but don't talk much about it

'Til things get out of control

Oh, how do I know when it's love

I can't tell you but it lasts forever

How does it feel when it's love

It's just something you feel together

When it's love

You look at every face in a crowd

Some shine and some keep you guessin'

Waiting for someone to come into focus

Teach you your final love lesson

How do I know when it's love

I can't tell you but it lasts forever

How does it feel when it's love

It's just something you feel together

Oh oh oh oh

Oh when it's love

Oh oh oh oh

You can feel it yeah

Oh oh oh oh

Nothing's missing, yeah

Oh oh oh oh

Yeah, you can feel it

Oh oh oh oh

Oh when it's love

Oh oh oh oh

Nothing's missing

How do I know when it's love

I can't tell you but it lasts forever

Uh, how does it feel when it's love

It's just something you feel together

Hey, how do I know when it's love

I can't tell you but it lasts forever

When it's love

Uh, when it's love

Hey it lasts forever

(Na, na, na, na, na) when it's love

(Na, na, na, na, na)

(Na, na, na, na, na)

(Na, na, na, na, na) give it up

We're gonna feel this thing together (na, na, na, na, na)

When it's love, oh (na, na, na, na, na)

When it's love, baby (na, na, na, na, na)

(Na, na, na, na, na)

You can feel it, yeah

(Na, na, na, na, na)

(Na, na, na, na, na)

We'll make it last forever

(Na, na, na, na, na)

(Na, na, na, na, na)

Oh, it's love


2021年4月15日 星期四

Foo Fighters-Big Me

    Billboard雜誌在搖滾樂部分有主流搖滾 Mainstream Rock Tracks (1981年開始) ,與另類搖滾Alternative (Modern)Rock Tracks(Modern  Rock Tracks 1988年開始,2009年改名Alternative Rock Tracks)二種搖滾樂排行榜,專業人士根據藝人的排行榜成績(例如第一周冠軍給60點,第二周冠軍加5..)做出各項排行榜統計。其中The Top 100 Alternative Rock Artist 「百大另類搖滾藝人排行榜獲得冠軍的合唱團是Foo Fighters


  另類搖滾樂團Foo Fighters組成於美國華盛頓州西雅圖,主唱Dave Grohl曾經是另類搖滾或垃圾搖滾三人合唱團Nirvana的鼓手,Nirvana的主唱Kurt Cobain 1994年自殺身亡,Dave Grohl1995年另組Foo Fighters

  Foo Fighters 1995年以This Is A Call進入歌壇,作品很多,在歷年暢銷歌星排行榜已經獲得第493

  1996年獲得第13 名的Big MeFoo FightersBillboard Hot 100單曲榜成績最好的歌這首歌在Alternative Rock Tracks另類搖滾排行榜則獲得53





Big Me

Foo Fighters

Songwriters: David Grohl


When I talk about it

Carries on

Reasons only knew

When I talk about it

Aries or treasons all renew

Big me to talk about it

I could stand to prove

If we can get around it

I know that it's true

Well, I talked about it

Carried on

Reasons only knew

But it's you I fell into

When I talked about it

Carries on

Reasons only knew

When I talk about it

Aries or treasons all renew

Big me to talk about it

I could stand to prove

If we can get around it

I know that it's true

Well, I talked about it

Put it on

Never was it true

But it's you I fell into

Well, I talked about it

Put it on

Never was it true

But it's you I fell into

I fell into

I fell into

2021年4月8日 星期四

Paul & Linda McCartney-Uncle Albert / Admiral Halsey

    Paul & Linda McCartney的專輯RAM將重新發行來慶祝推出50週年


  Paul and Linda McCartney唯一的一張共同創作的專輯〈RAM〉是在他們蘇格蘭的農場完成的

         1970年的Paul McCartney1971RAM〉的寬廣的魅力和親密感,發現Paul重新定義了他的後披頭時代的創意,他無意識地改寫了流行音樂的規則,而且在這一過程中創造新的類型


  RAM〉這張專輯裡有一首Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey1971年獲得排行榜冠軍

  Paul McCartneyThe Beatles披頭合唱團吉它手,寫過五十首以上的排行榜前十名的歌,在歷年暢銷歌星排行榜獲得第17名,19693月他與Linda Eastman結婚,1970年推出第一張個人專輯McCartney〉,1971年組成Wings合唱團,Linda鍵琴手兼和聲,她因癌症於19884 月去世。




Uncle Albert / Admiral Halsey

Songwriters: Mccartney Paul James / Mc Cartney Linda Louise


We're so sorry if we caused you any pain

We're so sorry, uncle Albert

But there's no one left at home

And I believe I'm gonna rain

We're so sorry, but we haven't heard a thing all day

We're so sorry, uncle Albert

But if anything should happen

We'll be sure to give a ring

We're so sorry, uncle Albert

But we haven't done a bloody thing all day

We're so sorry, uncle Albert

But the kettle's on the boil

And we're so easily called away

Hands across the water, water

Heads across the sky

Hands across the water, water

Heads across the sky

Admiral Halsey notified me

He had to have a berth or he couldn't get to sea

I had another look and I had a cup of tea and butter pie

Butter pie?

The butter wouldn't melt so I put it in the pie

Hands across the water, water

Heads across the sky

Hands across the water, water

Heads across the sky

Live a little, be a gypsy, get around

(Get around)

Get your feet up off the ground, live a little, get around

Live a little, be a gypsy, get around

(Get around)

Get your feet up off the ground, live a little, get around

Hands across the water, water

Heads across the sky

Hands across the water, water

Heads across the sky


2021年4月1日 星期四

Mocedades-Eres tu

  Billboard雜誌推薦的50首最佳拉丁歌曲中還有一首「歐洲歌唱比賽」的得獎歌曲“Eres tu”

 1970年代西班牙語男女混聲合唱團 Mocedades唱的歌都很受歡迎,這要從Juan Carlos Calderon 創作的 “Eres tu” 這首歌開始談起,在1973年的 Eurovision Song contest歐洲歌唱比賽」裡,他們以此曲獲得亞軍

“Eres tu”是一首很棒的流行歌曲,坦白地說,複雜的和聲和福音色彩是革命性的。這首歌後來翻成英語"Touch the Wind",有很多歌星、合唱團翻唱,包括 The Shirelles Johnny Mathis,但是只有西班牙語版的原唱在Billboard Hot 100排行榜獲得第9名,也是唯一的一首西班牙語歌曲進入Hot 100排行榜前10名的歌。

  Mocedades合唱團來自西班牙Bibao,由Amaya Amezaga和她的兄長、朋友們組成。




Eres tú


Songwriters: Juan Carlos Calderon De Arroyabe


Como una promesa, eres tú, eres tú
Como una mañana de verano
Como una sonrisa, eres tú, eres tú
Así, así, eres tú

Toda mi esperanza, eres tú, eres tú
Como lluvia fresca en mis manos
Como fuerte brisa, eres tú, eres tú
Así, así, eres tú

Eres tú
Como el agua de mi fuente
Eres tú
El fuego de mi hogar

Algo así eres tú
Algo así como el fuego de mi hoguera
(Eres tú) Algo así eres tú
Mi vida algo así eres tú

Como mi poema, eres tú, eres tú (Uh, eres tú)
Como una guitarra en la noche
Todo mi horizonte, eres tú, eres tú (Ah, ah, ah)
Así, así, eres tú (Eres tú)

Na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na

Eres tú
Como el agua de mi fuente
Eres tú
El fuego de mi hogar

Algo así eres tú
Algo así como el fuego de mi hoguera
Algo así eres tú, uh (Eres tú)
Mi vida algo así eres tú

Algo así eres tú
Algo así como el agua de mi fuente (Como el agua de mi fuente)
Eres tú
El fuego de mi hogar

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MC HAMMER-U Can't Touch This

    One Hit Wonder 今天介紹 饒舌 樂手 MC HAMMER 1990年 得到第8 名的 暢銷曲 “U Can't Touch This ”。   1986年後 Hip Hop 嘻哈 音樂開始流行 。 嘻哈音樂也可稱 Rap 饒舌音樂...