2021年6月24日 星期四

Babyface & Gwyneth Paltrow -Just My Imagination

    今天要介紹一首名曲,R&B合唱團The Temptations "Just My Imagination"

          美國影星Gwyneth Paltrow   格温妮絲·帕特羅以1998年的電影〈Shakespeare in Love「莎翁情史」獲得金像獎出名,事實上也有名模、作曲、職業婦女、歌手與作家等多重身分。2000年她曾與   Babyface合唱   "Just My Imagination (Running Away with Me "  很得到老歌迷們的喜愛

        Babyface本名Kenneth Edmonds 1959年出生於美國印地安那州Indianapolis,他是1990年代很受歡迎的R&B歌手,曾經寫過Boys II Men的冠軍曲   " I'll Make Love To You"1987-2000年他曾經自己個人和與他人合寫45top10的歌,他是一位R&B歌手也是製作人、擅長多種樂器演奏,與朋友一起開LaFace唱片公司,太太Tracey則是Yab Yum唱片公司的總裁。

       Babyface 暢銷曲很多,名次最好的歌是1994年獲得第4名的"When Can I See You ",他在歷年暢銷歌星排行榜第280名。

    The Temptations 是歷年暢銷歌星排行榜第23名的大牌合唱團,喜歡1960年代黑人靈魂歌曲的歌迷都不會忘掉他們令人懷念的歌聲,"Just My Imagination" 這一首歌是他們1971年的二周冠軍曲,在滾石雜誌500大歌曲榜獲得399名,朋友們可以比較一下兩代黑人紅歌星不同的演唱風格,當然還有格温妮絲•帕特羅合唱的歌聲。  






Just My Imagination (Running Away with Me)

Songwriters: Barrett Strong / Norman Whitfield / Norman J. Whitfield


Each day through my window I watch her as she passes by
I say to myself you're such a lucky guy
To have a girl like her is truly a dream come true
Out of all the fellows in the world she belongs to me
But it was just my imagination
Runnin' away with me
It was just my imagination runnin' away with me

Soon we'll be married and raise a family (oh yeah)
A cozy little home out in the country with two children maybe three
I tell you I can visualize it all
This couldn't be a dream for too real it all seems
But it was just my imagination once again runnin' way with me
Tell you it was just my imagination runnin' away with me

Every night on my knees I pray, dear Lord, hear my plea
Don't ever let another take her love from me or I would surely die
Her love is heavenly, when her arms enfold me
I hear a tender rhapsody, but in reality she doesn't even know me

Just my imagination once again runnin' way with me
Tell you it was just my imagination runnin' away with me
No, no, I can't forget her
Just my imagination once again runnin' way with me
Just my imagination runnin' away with me




The Human League-Don't You Want Me

  在 Martyn Ware 和 lan Craig Marsh 離開更具實驗性的早期 The Human League 樂團 組成 Heaven 17 後, Phil Oakey 帶領樂團走向了一個新的、更平易近人的方向。 他的專輯 《 Dare 》 風靡全球,這張專輯充滿了...