2023年2月9日 星期四

Joe Cocker-With A Little Help From My Friends


  Joe Cocker

  這一位英國歌手唱過很多受歡迎的歌,他對歌曲的詮釋至今算是歌壇傳奇人物之一,拿他在著名的Woodstock演唱會時唱的“With A Little Help From My Friends”the Beatles披頭合唱團後來翻唱的版本相比較,證明此一說法並不過份,其實這首歌是披頭團員John Lennon Paul McCartney所寫的

  事實上 Joe Cocker錄過22張錄音室專輯還有幾張現場的錄音,他真是一位傑出的歌手

  Joe Cocker 1944年出生於英格蘭約克夏Sheffield2014年底因肺癌病逝(70) ,他令人注目的舞台逗趣動作來自Ray Charles的鋼琴表演

  Joe Cocker作品很多,在歷年暢銷歌星排行榜獲得第322名,“With A Little Help From My Friends”獲得過英國排行榜冠軍,在Billboard Hot 100排行榜成績最好的歌是1982年的電影「軍官與紳士」的插曲,與Jennifer Warnes合唱的“Up Where We Belong”,曾獲得連續3週排行榜冠軍。





the Beatles 唱的“With A Little Help From My Friends”沒有推出單曲,但獲得滾石雜誌RS500#136名,也是一首歌迷們喜愛的歌。


With A Little Help From My Friends

LyricsJohn Lennon / Paul McCartney


What would you do if I sang out of tune?
Would you stand up and walk out on me?
Lend me your ears, then I'll sing you a song
I will try not to sing out of key, yeah

Oh, baby I get by
(By with a little help from my friends)
All I need is my buddies
(Try with a little help from my friends)
I said, I'm gonna get high
(High with a little help from my friends)
Oh, yeah

What do I do when my love is away?
(Does it worry you to be alone?)
No, no
How do I feel at the end of the day?
(Are you sad 'cause you're on your own?)
I tell don't get sad no more

Gonna get by with my friends
(Try high with a little help from my friends)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm gonna try
(Try with a little help from my friends)
Keep on gettin' high, oh, Lord

I need someone to love
(Could it be anybody?)
All I need is someone
Knows just where I'm goin', yeah
Somebody who knows just what I'll show them, baby

Said, I'm gonna make it with my friends, yeah, yeah
(Try with a little help with my friends)
Oh, oh, I'm gonna keep on tryin', yeah
(High with a little help from my friends)
I'm gonna keep on tryin' now, babe

I'm certain it happens all the time, yeah
(What do you see when you turn off the light?)
I can't tell you, but it sure feels like mine

Don't you know I'm gonna make it with my friends?
(Try with a little help with my friends)
I promised myself I'll get by
(High with a little help from my friends)
Said, I'm gonna try it with them too hard

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah
(Could it be anybody?)
Oh, there's gotta be somebody
Going to be right, I know it
Somebody carefree, now
Oh, yeah, yeah

Said, I'm gonna get by with my friends
(Try with a little help with my friends)
Oh, yes, I'm gonna keep tryin', now
(High with a little help from my friends)
Keep on tryin' with my friends
(By with a little help from my friends)

Oh, you'll never gonna stop me anymore
(Try with a little help with my friends)
I'm gonna keep on tryin', yeah
(High with a little help from my friends)
I'm gettin' high, I wanna make time, Lord, no
Gonna get by with my friends, yeah
Oh, I'm gonna get on by
Yes, I'm gonna get on by
Wanna take 'em all along
I wanna take 'em all along with me, yeah, yeah













The Human League-Don't You Want Me

  在 Martyn Ware 和 lan Craig Marsh 離開更具實驗性的早期 The Human League 樂團 組成 Heaven 17 後, Phil Oakey 帶領樂團走向了一個新的、更平易近人的方向。 他的專輯 《 Dare 》 風靡全球,這張專輯充滿了...