2024年8月1日 星期四

Daryl Hall and John Oates-Maneater


Daryl Hall 的下一步包括更多巡迴演出和更多新音樂

Daryl Hall
Elvis Costello 的夏季巡演已經結束,但他並不打算休息太。他告訴記者,他已經計劃與製作人 Dave Stewart 開始製作他最新個人專輯《D》的後續作品。

「我想今年一月我們會開始一起玩耍,一起努力,」 Daryl 說。 「我想做很多巡演,短期巡演就是我的計劃。並將 Daryl's House 的體驗帶到那裡Daryl's House Daryl Hall 即將推出的第六張錄音室專輯《D》中的第一首單曲,將於 6 21 開始發售。與許多不同的人一起演奏。我非常期待在舞台上做到這一點

開創性的線上劇集《Live from Daryl's House》現已可在 YouTube 上觀看,並且他還在繼續製作更多劇集。他說他想和他一起巡迴演出的人包括過去出現過的藝。他說能夠做到這一點是一種解放,特別是因為 Hall & Oates 不再是一個問題。

「我可以將許多不同的可能性和組合放在一起,」他說。 不僅是我的,我會稱之為校友,還有可能想做這件事的新人。這很棒



「我以各種可能的方式得到了很多支持,」他證實道。 「人們確實喜歡這張新專輯。我沒有聽到……任何相反的聲音。而且,我喜歡它。我為它感到自豪。而且,我對我得到的支持感到非常高興

Daryl Hall生於1946 10 11 John Oates生於1948 4 7 1967 年在Temple大學就讀時相識。 Hall 1972 年與 Oates 合作之前,曾為許多頂級靈魂樂團演唱過。

Daryl Hall and John Oates 2014 年入選搖滾樂名人堂。他們的暢銷曲有

1.Maneater 82#12.Kiss On My List81#13.Private Eyes81#14.Out Of Touch 84#15. Rich Girl77#1是歷年最受歡迎的歌星與合唱團排行榜第39名的搖滾樂團。

Daryl Hall John Oates分手唱 Solo之後在排行榜上名次最好的歌是1986年獲得第5名的歌Dreamtim

(4) Daryl Hall - Dreamtime (Official Video) - YouTube

多棒的一首歌! Daryl Hall 的這首歌對自己的音樂和表演產生了早期的影響。是他能同時擔任鍵盤手和主唱的原因他唱的每一首歌都帶著這樣的信念,而他在影片中的表演也與這種信念同步。這首歌的主題與大約同時出現的“Everything Your Heart Desires”類似。這讓人想知道Daryl 當時正在經歷什麼,如果有的話,或者類似的主題只是一個

Daryl Hall & John Oates - Maneater (Remastered Audio) UHD 4K (youtube.com)

簡單而令人驚嘆的 80 年代至 90 年代的歌曲,在音樂方面表現出色有些80年代的歌曲給人一種極其痛苦和苦樂參半的懷舊感。這絕對是其中之一。


作詞/作曲:Daryl Hall / Sara Allen / John Oates

She'll only come out at night
The lean and hungry type
Nothing is new
I've seen her here before
Watching and waiting
Ooh, she's sitting with you
But her eyes are on the door

So many have paid to see
What you think you're getting for free
The woman is wild
A she-cat tamed by the purr of a Jaguar
Money's the matter
If you're in it for love
You ain't gonna get too far

Oh-oh, here she comes
Watch out, boy, she'll chew you up
Oh-oh, here she comes
She's a man-eater
Oh-oh, here she comes
Watch out, boy, she'll chew you up
Oh-oh, here she comes
She's a man-eater, oh-oh

I wouldn't if I were you
I know what she can do
She's deadly, man
And she could really rip your world apart
Mind over matter
Ooh, the beauty is there
But a beast is in the heart

Oh-oh, here she comes
Watch out, boy, she'll chew you up
Oh-oh, here she comes
She's a man-eater
Oh-oh, here she comes
Watch out, boy, she'll chew you up
Oh-oh, here she comes
She's a man-eater, oh-oh



Oh-oh, here she comes (here she comes)
Watch out, boy, she'll chew you up
Oh-oh, here she comes (watch out)
She's a man-eater
Oh-oh, here she comes (she's a man-eater)
Ooh, she'll chew you up
Oh-oh, here she comes (here she comes)
She's a man-eater

Oh-oh, here she comes (watch out)
She'll only come out at night, ooh
Oh-oh, here she comes (here she comes)
She's a man-eater, oh-oh
Oh-oh, here she comes (she's a man-eater)
The woman is wild, ooh
Oh-oh, here she comes (here she comes)
Watch out, boy, watch out, boy

Oh-oh, here she comes
Oh, watch out, watch out, watch out, watch out
Oh-oh, here she comes (watch out)
Yeah-yeah, she's a man-eater
Oh-oh, here she comes (she's a man-eater)
She's watching and waiting, ooh
Oh-oh, here she comes
Oh, she's a man-eater



MC HAMMER-U Can't Touch This

    One Hit Wonder 今天介紹 饒舌 樂手 MC HAMMER 1990年 得到第8 名的 暢銷曲 “U Can't Touch This ”。   1986年後 Hip Hop 嘻哈 音樂開始流行 。 嘻哈音樂也可稱 Rap 饒舌音樂...