2011年2月6日 星期日

Johnny Maestro之路

已故的前the Crests 和 the Brooklyn Bridge合唱團的主唱 Johnny Maestro,三月26日將獲紐約市頒贈一項榮譽,去年12月20日市長彭博簽署市議會通過的決議,將Staten島的Midland 和Mason大道間的一段馬路命名為Johnny Maestro之路。
Johnny Maestro去年三月因癌症去世(70歲),1950年代他所參加的the Crests合唱團是一個黑白混合的合唱團,1958年第二名的16 candles是他們當年最受歡迎的歌,而1960年代他所參加的the Brooklyn Bridge合唱團則以1968年Jimmy Webb所寫的the Worst That Could Happen那首第3名的歌最為出名,這首歌最早曾經由The 5th Dimension先唱過,Johnny Maestro這版很有blue eyed soul的風味。


The Brooklyn Bridge- words and music by Jim Webb

Girl, I heard you're getting married
Heard you're getting married, this time you're really sure
And this is the end, they say you really mean it
This guy's the one that makes you feel so safe, so sane and so secure
And, baby, if he loves you more than me
Maybe it's the best thing
Maybe it's the best thing for you
But it's the worst that could happen to me

I'll never get married
Never get married, you know that's not my scene
But a girl like you needs to be married
I've known all along you couldn't live forever in between
And, baby, if he loves you more than me
Maybe it's the best thing
Maybe it's the best thing for you
But it's the worst that could happen to me

And, girl, I don't really blame you for having a dream of your own
Hey, girl, I don't really blame you
A woman like you needs a house and a home, baby
If he really loves you more than me
Maybe it's the best thing
Maybe it's the best thing for you
But it's the worst that could happen

Oh, girl, don't wanna get married
Girl, I'm never, never gonna marry, no no
No, it's the worst that could happen
The worst that could happen
Oh, girl, the worst that could happen



Debby Boone- You Light up my life

  本 週 介紹的 One Hit Wonder 是1977年一部電影   You Light up my  life 《你照亮我的生命》 的主題歌曲。   少女「羅莉」從小跟著父親在 加州 地區表演脫口秀,長大之後,「羅莉」參加廣告對白配音、演唱的表演工作,收入雖然微薄...