2011年10月19日 星期三


1948年出生於蘇格蘭Glasgow的英國女歌星與演員Lulu ,10月18日於倫敦獲頒終身成就獎,Lulu是在1967年由黑人影帝Sidney Poitier薛尼鮑迪主演的電影To Sir With Love當中演出,並演唱同名主題曲而成名,1969-1973年曾嫁給Bee Gees團員Maurice Gibb。

Maurice Gibb於2003年1月12日因病去世(53歲),他的孿生兄弟Robin Gibb 近年來也健康狀況不佳,10月13日曾在英國老家附近醫院住院,他與Maurice同樣有結腸方面的問題,但經過診療後,17日星期一已經出院。

To Sir With Love這首歌是1967年的5週冠軍曲,一位黑人老師把一群放牛班的白人學生成功的帶上正途,在離職之前Lulu代表全班同學演唱這首歌表達感謝之情…,幾十年了,始終難忘那感人的畫面,好歌。

To Sir With Love

Those schoolgirl days, of telling tales and biting nails are gone,

But in my mind,

I know they will still live on and on,

But how do you thank someone, who has taken you from crayons to perfume?

It isn't easy, but I'll try,

If you wanted the sky I would write across the sky in letters,

That would soar a thousand feet high,

To Sir, with Love

The time has come,

For closing books and long last looks must end,

And as I leave,

I know that I am leaving my best friend,

A friend who taught me right from wrong,

And weak from strong,

That's a lot to learn,

What, what can I give you in return?

If you wanted the moon I would try to make a start,

But I, would rather you let me give my heart,

To Sir, with Love



The Human League-Don't You Want Me

  在 Martyn Ware 和 lan Craig Marsh 離開更具實驗性的早期 The Human League 樂團 組成 Heaven 17 後, Phil Oakey 帶領樂團走向了一個新的、更平易近人的方向。 他的專輯 《 Dare 》 風靡全球,這張專輯充滿了...