2012年6月12日 星期二

Rolf Harris獲頒獎章

祝賀英國伊莉莎白女王生日,澳洲也於本月11日宣怖了發揮中世紀騎士精神the Order of Australia榮譽獎章得主,其一是1963 年唱紅Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport這首最有澳洲風味老歌的男歌手Rolf Harris,他本來已獲得過四級的Member of the Order of Australia,但是英國發的,這次將獲提名三級的Officer of the Order of Australia。

另一位1978年唱紅Love Is In The Air的男歌手John Paul Young也將獲得Officer of the Order of Australia獎章,他是因為從事慈善工作而獲獎。

Rolf Harris出生於澳洲伯斯,1950年代移民英國,在BBC做過電視節目,他用木板甩動發聲搭配演唱這首歌的表演,令人印象深刻。

澳洲歌手與合唱團在英、美排行榜成績很不錯,像Air Supply、Olivia Newton-John、Rick Springfield等的歌在台灣也很受歡迎。

「袋鼠歌」Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport於1963 年獲得過Billboard排行榜第3名。

Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport



There's an old Australian stockman lying, dying. He gets himself up onto one elbow and 'e turns to his mates, who are all gathered around and 'e says:

Watch me wallabies feed, mate

Watch me wallabies feed,

They're a dangerous breed, mate

So watch me wallabies feed

Altogether now!

Tie me kangaroo down, sport

Tie me kangaroo down

Tie me kangaroo down, sport

Tie me kangaroo down

Keep me cockatoo cool, Curl,

Keep me cockatoo cool

Ah, don't go acting the fool, Curl

Just keep me cockatoo cool

Altogether now!

Tie me kangaroo down, sport

Tie me kangaroo down

Tie me kangaroo down, sport

Tie me kangaroo down

'n' take me koala back, Jack

Take me koala back

He lives somewhere out on the track, Mac

So take me koala back

Altogether now!

Tie me kangaroo down, sport

Tie me kangaroo down

Tie me kangaroo down, sport

Tie me kangaroo down

Let me abos go loose, Lew

Let me abos go loose

They're of no further use, Lew

So let me abos go loose

Altogether now!

Tie me kangaroo down, sport

Tie me kangaroo down

Tie me kangaroo down, sport

Tie me kangaroo down

And mind me platypus duck, Bill

Mind me platypus duck

Ah, don't let 'im go running amok, Bill

Just mind me platypus duck

Altogether now!

Tie me kangaroo down, sport

Tie me kangaroo down

Tie me kangaroo down, sport

Tie me kangaroo down

Play your didgeridoo, Blue

Play your didgeridoo

Ah, like, keep playin' 'til I shoot thru, Blue

Play your didgeridoo

Altogether now!

Tie me kangaroo down, sport

Tie me kangaroo down

Tie me kangaroo down, sport

Tie me kangaroo down

Tan me hide when I'm dead, Fred

Tan me hide when I'm dead

So we tanned his hide when he died, Clyde

And that's it hangin' on the shed!!

Altogether now!

Tie me kangaroo down, sport

Tie me kangaroo down

Tie me kangaroo down, sport

Tie me kangaroo down



The Human League-Don't You Want Me

  在 Martyn Ware 和 lan Craig Marsh 離開更具實驗性的早期 The Human League 樂團 組成 Heaven 17 後, Phil Oakey 帶領樂團走向了一個新的、更平易近人的方向。 他的專輯 《 Dare 》 風靡全球,這張專輯充滿了...