2016年8月4日 星期四


The Spiral Starecase的主唱與吉它手Pat Upton七月27日去(75),他去世之前已長期為病魔所苦
Pat Upton出生於阿拉巴馬州Geraldine,當年在空軍服役的時候,曾在加州Sacramento和四位同僚參加過一個才藝競賽,退伍後他們取名the Fydallions,在當地歌唱界表現得到Columbia唱片公司的青睞,於是找他們簽約,但是條件就是要改團名,他們參考一部老電影的片名"The Spiral Staircase",改團為the Spiral Starecase
有一回Pat Upton在拉斯維加的一家旅館房間裡回味著Bobby Goldsboro的歌,突然福至心靈的寫了"More Today Than Yesterday"這首1969年獲得12名的暢銷曲,後來他們還有幾首歌如"Baby What I Mean" (#111-1968)"No One For Me To Turn To" (#52-1969) "She's Ready" (#72-1970),但是名次都不好
1970the Spiral Starecase因團員不合而宣告解散,Pat Upton改幫Rick Nelson當伴奏吉他手,然後回阿拉巴馬州的Guntersville開一家俱樂部當老闆,這家俱樂部也是Rick Nelson因飛機失事喪命前最後演出的地方

More Today Than Yesterday  

I don't remember what day it was
I didn't notice what time it was
All I know is that I fell in love with you
And if all my dreams come true
I'll be spending time with you

Every day's a new day in love with you
With each day comes a new way of loving you
Every time I kiss your lips my mind starts to wander
And if all my dreams come true
I'll be spending time with you

Oh, I love you more today than yesterday
But not as much as tomorrow
I love you more today than yesterday
But, darling, not as much as tomorrow

Tomorrow's date means springtime's just a day away
Cupid, we don't need ya now, be on your way
I thank the Lord for love like ours that grows ever stronger
And I always will be true
I know you feel the same way, too

Oh, I love you more today than yesterday
But not as much as tomorrow
I love you more today than yesterday
But only half as much as tomorrow

Every day's a new day
Every time I love ya
Every way's a new way
Every time I love ya
Every day's a new day
Every time I kiss ya
Every day's a new day

Fade out...



MC HAMMER-U Can't Touch This

    One Hit Wonder 今天介紹 饒舌 樂手 MC HAMMER 1990年 得到第8 名的 暢銷曲 “U Can't Touch This ”。   1986年後 Hip Hop 嘻哈 音樂開始流行 。 嘻哈音樂也可稱 Rap 饒舌音樂...