2016年9月22日 星期四

The Poppy Family 夫妻重病

已經離婚多年來自加拿大的前The Poppy Family合唱團團員Terry Susan Jacks,最近都生病住院,Terry Jacks五個月內二度中風,Susan Jacks則有腎臟的問題,她2010年曾經換腎,但身體狀況一直不好
Terry Susan Jacks加上另二名團員組成了The Poppy Family合唱團他們於1970年以動聽的抒情歌Which Way You Going Billy?一曲成名,這一首歌獲得過二周排行榜第二名(1970年六月13Which Way You Going Billy?獲得第二名時,當時的冠軍曲是T he Beatles合唱團分手時最後一首冠軍曲The Long and Winding Road)但是1973年夫妻倆離婚,合唱團也跟著解散了
Terry Susan Jacks離婚後都個別出唱片,但只有Terry Jacks 1974年翻唱的民歌Seasons In The Sun獲得二周排行榜冠軍,在熱門歌壇留下美好的回憶

 "Which Way You Goin' Billy?"

Which way you goin' Billy?
Can I go too?
Which way you goin' Billy?
Can I go with you?

I really love you, Billy
And all this time
I thought you loved me, Billy
And you were mine

I'm gonna miss you, Billy
And though I'm trying
I'm hurting so bad, Billy
I can't help crying

You are my whole, babe
My heart and my soul, babe
I'd have nothing to show, babe
If you should go away

You are my whole, babe
My heart and my soul, babe.
I'd have nothing to show, babe
If you should go

Which way you going, Billy?
Or need I ask?
Cause you don't want me, Billy
You're free at last

I won't forget you, Billy
For all my life
I'll always love you, Billy
I'll stay your wife

You are my whole, babe
My heart and my soul, babe
I'd have nothing to show, babe
If you should go away

You are my whole, babe
My heart and my soul, babe
I'd have nothing to show, babe
If you should go

You are my whole, babe
My heart and my soul, babe
I'd have nothing to show, babe
If you should go

I won't forget you, Billy...



The Human League-Don't You Want Me

  在 Martyn Ware 和 lan Craig Marsh 離開更具實驗性的早期 The Human League 樂團 組成 Heaven 17 後, Phil Oakey 帶領樂團走向了一個新的、更平易近人的方向。 他的專輯 《 Dare 》 風靡全球,這張專輯充滿了...