2016年9月29日 星期四

作曲人John D. Loudermilk去世

鄉村流行歌手與作曲人John D. Loudermilk九月21日不幸去世(82)John出生於北卡羅萊納州Durham,他的堂兄弟IraCharlie Louvin組了the Louvin Brothers

John D. Loudermilk起初在地方電視台當節目助理他拜託老闆讓他唱電視上唱一首他寫的歌,結果鄉村民歌手George Hamilton IV聽了他的"A Rose And A Baby Ruth"覺得很不錯,就錄了唱片,後來獲得了第六名(1956)John自此踏入歌唱界

John D. Loudermilk自己唱的"Language Of Love" 1961年得到32"Sittin' In The Balcony"則得到過38這首歌是1957年他用Johnny Dee之名所推出的

除唱歌之外John D. Loudermilk作曲的才華卻在流行音樂界留下了一些痕跡,他寫的"Indian Reservation""Thou Shalt Not Steal" Stonewall Jackson"Waterloo""Talk Back Tremblin' Lips""Norman""Tobacco Road" "Then You Can Tell Me Goodbye"在熱門排行榜上都有不錯的成績

1976John D. Loudermilk獲推選進入納許維爾作曲家名人堂,後來還進入北卡羅萊納州音樂名人堂

John D. Loudermilk所寫的"Then You Can Tell Me Goodbye"1967年經來自俄亥俄州的the Casinos合唱團翻唱獲得過第六名,是一首動聽的情歌,在BMI全美最常播出的百名歌曲排行榜獲得第83


 "Then You Can Tell Me Goodbye"

(John D. Loudermill)

Kiss me each morning for a million years

Hold me each evening by your side

Tell me you'll love me for a million years

Then if it don't work out

Then if it don't work out

Then you can tell me goodbye

Sweeten my coffee with a morning kiss

Soften my dreams with your sighs

Tell me you'll love me for a million years

Then if it don't work out

Then if it don't work out

Then you can tell me goodbye

[Organ solo]

If you must go, oh no, I won't grieve

If you wait a lifetime before you leave

Then if you must go

Mmm, I won't tell you no

Just so that we can say we tried

Tell me you'll love me for a million years

Then if it don't work out

Then if it don't work out

Then you can tell me goodbye



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