2017年9月28日 星期四

Tony Orlando-What Are You Doing Sunday

    Tony Orlando九月二十日在他米蘇里州 Branson家裡發生意外停車庫的門夾斷了他一節手指頭醫生表示這一節指頭沒法接合Tony須等傷口自行癒合,Tony Orlando表示:意外就這麼發生了,和他交往45年當兵時在一起的一位好友相比,這只好比被蜜蜂咬一口而已

Tony Orlando 1944年出生於紐約曼哈頓,父母分別來自希臘與波多黎各,Tony 16歲時被名製作人Don Kirshner發掘,1969年時他已擔任錄音室合唱團Wind的主唱,同時也用Billy Shields之名灌唱片,1970年他組成了Dawn合唱團,二位女團員Telma HopkinsJoyce Vincent都是錄音室歌手

Tony Orlando&Dawn1974-1976年在電視台主持節目,但1977年宣告解散,Tony Orlando則繼續個人演唱生涯

Telma Hopkins後來主持過好幾個電視節目,Tony Orlando則因Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Ole Oak Tree爆紅,1990年代早期在老家開了Tony Orlando Yellow Ribbon Music Theater歌劇廳

除了Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Ole Oak TreeKnock Three TimesHe Dont Love You(Like I Love you)這幾首冠軍曲之外,我很喜歡1971年底Tony   Orlando featuring Dawn獲得39名的歌What Are You Doing Sunday,禮拜天下午你在做什麼? 有人在公園結婚,朋友們帶鮮花來祝賀,樂隊奏著歡愉的音樂...,聽這一首歌總是帶給我整天愉快的心情

Dawn featuring Tony Orlando

I hear some people get married in the park on Sunday afternoon
And all their friends bring pretty flowers while the band plays a happy
tune Now do you want me, do you need me, Do you love me like I love you?

   What are you doing Sunday baby?  Would you like to marry me?
   What do you say now?             If it's a nice day now
   What are you doing Sunday baby?  Gee, I wanna marry you
   Oh, what are you doing Sunday afternoon?

Maybe we should wait 'til night to join hands 'neath the stars above
And we'll be kissing our first kiss by moonlight as we vow eternal love
Now do you want me, do you need me, Do you love me like I love you? Ooo

   What are you doing Sunday baby?  Would you like to marry me?
   What do you say now?             If it's a nice day now
   What are you doing Sunday baby?  Gee, I wanna marry you
   Oh, what are you doing Sunday afternoon?

Now do you want me, do you need me, baby
Love me like I love you?

   What are you doing Sunday baby?  Would you like to marry me?
   What do you say now?             If it's a nice day now
   What are you doing Sunday baby?  Gee, I wanna marry you

2017年9月21日 星期四

Jim Reeves- He’ll Have To Go

已故鄉村歌星Jim Reeves在流行歌曲排行榜名次最好的歌是1959年底獲得三週第二名的 He’ll Have To Go這一首歌後來也進入Grammy獎的名人堂

Jim Reeves本名 James Travis Reeves 1923年出生於德州Panola County1964年因墜機喪生40歲), Jim Reeves的紳士形象給他贏得"Gentleman Jim"的外號,1963-1984年他有80首歌過進鄉村歌曲排行榜,他曾經對打職棒有過憧憬,但因腳裸受傷沒能如願而抱憾終生

1950年代早期Jim Reeves曾經在路易斯安那州HayrideKWKH電台當過DJ1950年應Macy’s百貨公司之邀出第一張唱片,1963年還參加過電影Kimberley Jim的演出

Jim Reeves的作品很多,在歷年暢銷歌星排行榜獲得第407名,他的歌在他遇難去世之後還有好幾年繼續進入排行榜,可見他和他唱的歌受歡迎的程度

Jim ReevesHe’ll Have To Go除了在流行歌曲榜得過第二名之外,這一首歌在鄉村歌曲排行榜停留34週,獲得14周冠軍

Jim Reeves                                             

Put your sweet lips a little closer to the phone
Let's pretend that we're together all alone
I'll tell the man to turn the juke box way down low
And you can tell your friend there with you he'll have to go

Whisper to me tell me do you love me true
Or is he holding you the way I do
Though love is blind make up your mind I've got to know
Should I hang up or will you tell him he'll have to go

You can't say the words I want to hear
While you're with another man
Do you want me answer yes or no
Darling I will understand

Put your sweet lips a little closer to the phone
Let's pretend that we're together all alone
I'll tell the man to turn the juke box way down low
And you can tell your friend there with you he'll have to go

2017年9月14日 星期四

The Guess Who-Shaking All Over

搖滾樂團The Guess Who的創團主唱Chad Allen八月23日因中風住院,他的好友表示大家都盼望74歲的Chad Allen能早日康復但這話說得還太早

The Guess Who合唱團組成於加拿大溫尼伯Chad Allen是主唱吉他手,他們早期The ReflectionsChad Allen& The Expressions的名字出過唱片,1965年的Shaking All Over曾經獲得第22

1966Burton Cummings加入該團,取代鋼琴手Bob Ashley並且擔任新的主唱,Chad Allen沒多久就離開了

1970年吉他手Randy Bachman離團另組Bachman-Turner Overdrive,之後合唱團人事有了很多變動,1975年終於宣告解散,但是偶而會重聚開唱

The Guess Who合唱團在歷年暢銷歌星排行榜獲得第205名,他們的American WomanNo TimeThese EyesShare The Land等暢銷曲都是令人懷念的老歌,Chad Allen主唱的Shaking All Over(原唱Johnny Kidd And The Pirates)是他們的成名曲

"Shakin' All Over"

When you move in right up close to me
That's when I get the chills all over me

Quivers down my backbone
I got the shakes in my thigh bone
I got the shivers in my knee bone
Shakin' all over

Just the way you say goodnight to me
Brings the feelin' on inside of me

Quivers down my backbone
I got the shakes in my thigh bone
I got the shivers in my knee bone
Shakin' all over

Quivers down my backbone
I got the shakes in my thigh bone
I got the shivers in my knee bone
Shakin' all over

Well, you make me shake and I like it, baby
You make me shake and I like it, baby
Well, shake, shake, shake
Shake, shake
Shake, shake, shake
Shake, shake, shake

2017年9月7日 星期四

Steely Dan-Rikki Don't Lose That Number

Soft-rock搖滾樂團Steely Dan的吉他手與貝斯手 Walter Becker 九月三日不幸去世67歲), 他與 Donald Fagan1972 年組成Steely Dan合唱團Walter Becker的醫師七月時曾勸他不要離開他在夏威夷Maui的家因他剛動過手術

Walter Becker Donald Fagan最早於紐約Bard學院開始合作搞音樂,他們倆後來一起寫歌,並且參與Jay & the Americans合唱團巡迴演唱,Steely Dan的團名來自William S. Borough的小說 "The Naked Lunch"1972 年他們與ABC唱片公司簽約後推出第一張專輯"Can't Buy A Thrill",其中的"Do It Again"得到第六名,
接著他們還有二首暢銷曲"Reeling In The Years" (#11-1973) Rikki Don't Lose That Number" (#4-1974),但 1981二人分手,直到2002年才復合

Steely Dan"Two Against Nature" "Everything Must Go"二張專輯回到排行榜,他們雖然有十首top 40的歌,但專輯"Dirty Work" "Aja" "Bodhisattva"一直非常受歡迎,是搖滾樂的經典唱片

Steely Dan曾經替電影"FM"寫過插曲,同名的主題歌找來EaglesTimothy B Schmit和聲,獲得過第22名,"FM"電影故事講LA的電台QSKY原來播搖滾樂很受歡迎,但老闆為了業績,希望增加廣告時間而炒了反對該項政策的電台主管的魷魚,旗下主持群於是發動抗爭,他們反鎖自己在電台裡並發動聽眾包圍電台...,要求節目不要播廣告,這種電影在當年遭禁演,我還記得是代理商請我們西洋流行歌曲節目主持人和記者在漢口街試片室看的

Steely Dan在排行榜上名次最好的歌是1974年獲得第四名的"Rikki Don't Lose That Number",他們在歷年暢銷歌榜獲得第382名,2001年進入搖滾樂名人堂

Rikki Don't Lose That Number
Steely Dan
Written by Donald Fagan and Walter Becker

We hear you're leaving, that's OK
I thought our little wild time had just begun,
I guess you kind of scared yourself, you turn and run
But if you have a change of heart.

Rikki don't lose that number;
You don't wanna call nobody else.
Send it off in a letter to yourself.
Rikki don't lose that number;
It's the only one you own.
You might use it if you feel better,
When you get home.

I have a friend in town, he's heard your name.
We can go out driving on Slow Hand Row
We could stay inside and play games I don't know
And you could have a change of heart.

Rikki don't lose that number;
You don't wanna call nobody else.
Send it off in a letter to yourself.
Rikki don't lose that number;
It's the only one you own.
You might use it if you feel better,
When you get home.

(Lead break)

You tell yourself you're not my kind
But you don't even know your mind.
And you could have a change of heart.

Rikki don't lose that number;
You don't wanna call nobody else.
Send it off in a letter to yourself.
Rikki don't lose that number;
It's the only one you own.
You might use it if you feel better,
When you get home.

Rikki don't lose that number
(Rikki don't lose that number)

Rikki don't lose that number

MC HAMMER-U Can't Touch This

    One Hit Wonder 今天介紹 饒舌 樂手 MC HAMMER 1990年 得到第8 名的 暢銷曲 “U Can't Touch This ”。   1986年後 Hip Hop 嘻哈 音樂開始流行 。 嘻哈音樂也可稱 Rap 饒舌音樂...