2017年9月7日 星期四

Steely Dan-Rikki Don't Lose That Number

Soft-rock搖滾樂團Steely Dan的吉他手與貝斯手 Walter Becker 九月三日不幸去世67歲), 他與 Donald Fagan1972 年組成Steely Dan合唱團Walter Becker的醫師七月時曾勸他不要離開他在夏威夷Maui的家因他剛動過手術

Walter Becker Donald Fagan最早於紐約Bard學院開始合作搞音樂,他們倆後來一起寫歌,並且參與Jay & the Americans合唱團巡迴演唱,Steely Dan的團名來自William S. Borough的小說 "The Naked Lunch"1972 年他們與ABC唱片公司簽約後推出第一張專輯"Can't Buy A Thrill",其中的"Do It Again"得到第六名,
接著他們還有二首暢銷曲"Reeling In The Years" (#11-1973) Rikki Don't Lose That Number" (#4-1974),但 1981二人分手,直到2002年才復合

Steely Dan"Two Against Nature" "Everything Must Go"二張專輯回到排行榜,他們雖然有十首top 40的歌,但專輯"Dirty Work" "Aja" "Bodhisattva"一直非常受歡迎,是搖滾樂的經典唱片

Steely Dan曾經替電影"FM"寫過插曲,同名的主題歌找來EaglesTimothy B Schmit和聲,獲得過第22名,"FM"電影故事講LA的電台QSKY原來播搖滾樂很受歡迎,但老闆為了業績,希望增加廣告時間而炒了反對該項政策的電台主管的魷魚,旗下主持群於是發動抗爭,他們反鎖自己在電台裡並發動聽眾包圍電台...,要求節目不要播廣告,這種電影在當年遭禁演,我還記得是代理商請我們西洋流行歌曲節目主持人和記者在漢口街試片室看的

Steely Dan在排行榜上名次最好的歌是1974年獲得第四名的"Rikki Don't Lose That Number",他們在歷年暢銷歌榜獲得第382名,2001年進入搖滾樂名人堂

Rikki Don't Lose That Number
Steely Dan
Written by Donald Fagan and Walter Becker

We hear you're leaving, that's OK
I thought our little wild time had just begun,
I guess you kind of scared yourself, you turn and run
But if you have a change of heart.

Rikki don't lose that number;
You don't wanna call nobody else.
Send it off in a letter to yourself.
Rikki don't lose that number;
It's the only one you own.
You might use it if you feel better,
When you get home.

I have a friend in town, he's heard your name.
We can go out driving on Slow Hand Row
We could stay inside and play games I don't know
And you could have a change of heart.

Rikki don't lose that number;
You don't wanna call nobody else.
Send it off in a letter to yourself.
Rikki don't lose that number;
It's the only one you own.
You might use it if you feel better,
When you get home.

(Lead break)

You tell yourself you're not my kind
But you don't even know your mind.
And you could have a change of heart.

Rikki don't lose that number;
You don't wanna call nobody else.
Send it off in a letter to yourself.
Rikki don't lose that number;
It's the only one you own.
You might use it if you feel better,
When you get home.

Rikki don't lose that number
(Rikki don't lose that number)

Rikki don't lose that number



The Human League-Don't You Want Me

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