2017年9月28日 星期四

Tony Orlando-What Are You Doing Sunday

    Tony Orlando九月二十日在他米蘇里州 Branson家裡發生意外停車庫的門夾斷了他一節手指頭醫生表示這一節指頭沒法接合Tony須等傷口自行癒合,Tony Orlando表示:意外就這麼發生了,和他交往45年當兵時在一起的一位好友相比,這只好比被蜜蜂咬一口而已

Tony Orlando 1944年出生於紐約曼哈頓,父母分別來自希臘與波多黎各,Tony 16歲時被名製作人Don Kirshner發掘,1969年時他已擔任錄音室合唱團Wind的主唱,同時也用Billy Shields之名灌唱片,1970年他組成了Dawn合唱團,二位女團員Telma HopkinsJoyce Vincent都是錄音室歌手

Tony Orlando&Dawn1974-1976年在電視台主持節目,但1977年宣告解散,Tony Orlando則繼續個人演唱生涯

Telma Hopkins後來主持過好幾個電視節目,Tony Orlando則因Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Ole Oak Tree爆紅,1990年代早期在老家開了Tony Orlando Yellow Ribbon Music Theater歌劇廳

除了Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Ole Oak TreeKnock Three TimesHe Dont Love You(Like I Love you)這幾首冠軍曲之外,我很喜歡1971年底Tony   Orlando featuring Dawn獲得39名的歌What Are You Doing Sunday,禮拜天下午你在做什麼? 有人在公園結婚,朋友們帶鮮花來祝賀,樂隊奏著歡愉的音樂...,聽這一首歌總是帶給我整天愉快的心情

Dawn featuring Tony Orlando

I hear some people get married in the park on Sunday afternoon
And all their friends bring pretty flowers while the band plays a happy
tune Now do you want me, do you need me, Do you love me like I love you?

   What are you doing Sunday baby?  Would you like to marry me?
   What do you say now?             If it's a nice day now
   What are you doing Sunday baby?  Gee, I wanna marry you
   Oh, what are you doing Sunday afternoon?

Maybe we should wait 'til night to join hands 'neath the stars above
And we'll be kissing our first kiss by moonlight as we vow eternal love
Now do you want me, do you need me, Do you love me like I love you? Ooo

   What are you doing Sunday baby?  Would you like to marry me?
   What do you say now?             If it's a nice day now
   What are you doing Sunday baby?  Gee, I wanna marry you
   Oh, what are you doing Sunday afternoon?

Now do you want me, do you need me, baby
Love me like I love you?

   What are you doing Sunday baby?  Would you like to marry me?
   What do you say now?             If it's a nice day now
   What are you doing Sunday baby?  Gee, I wanna marry you



The Human League-Don't You Want Me

  在 Martyn Ware 和 lan Craig Marsh 離開更具實驗性的早期 The Human League 樂團 組成 Heaven 17 後, Phil Oakey 帶領樂團走向了一個新的、更平易近人的方向。 他的專輯 《 Dare 》 風靡全球,這張專輯充滿了...