2019年8月29日 星期四

The Ides Of March-Vehicle

   The Ides Of March將推出新專輯

  很少合唱團的事業能維持55年不變,更少見的是它們的團員還是原班人馬,只有一個例外:The Ides of March歷經55年後還能推出新專輯,這個合唱團剛推出了Play On除了們的經典之作"Vehicle"還有14首新歌。

  新專輯作曲人有他們的創始團員Jim Peterik,他寫過"Eye of the Tiger",是幫Survivor合唱團寫的暢銷曲,也在 Grand Funk Railroad合唱團的Mark Farner Ambrosiar合唱團 主唱 David Pack Paul Shaffer 去上David Letterman的訪談節目  Late Night with David Letterman fame  的時候幫忙過。

  除了CD外,數位下載與串流都會有,Play On 專輯同時會出一套二張的豪華懷舊版專輯,其中包括他們在Parrot and Warner Brothers唱片公司的成名之作,從當年錄音母帶輸出的單曲“Vehicle”,另加“You Wouldn’t Listen” “One Woman Man” “Roller Coaster” “Flipside” “Superman” “LA Goodbye”  “Aire Of Good Feeling"

  The Ides 十月26日將於芝加哥附近WaukeganGenesee Theater,展示他們的新專輯和老歌加一個意外禮物,Mark FarnerAmerican Idol 「美國偶像」的Bo Bice將是特別來賓。

  搖滾樂團The Ides Of March成立於芝加哥,主唱是Jim Peteric,他後來在Survivor合唱團擔任過鍵琴手。

  The Ides Of March的成名曲“Vehicle”1970年獲得過第2名,但其它的歌名次都在top 40之外,是個曇花一現的One-Hit Wonder合唱團

Songwriters: James M. Peterik

Hey well
I'm a friendly stranger in the black Sedan
Won't you hop inside my car?
I got pictures, got candy
I'm a lovable man
And I can take you to the nearest star
I'm your vehicle, baby
I'll take you anywhere you want to go
I'm your vehicle, woman
By now I'm sure you know
That I love ya (love ya)
I need ya (need ya)
I want ya
Got to have you, child
Great God in heaven you know I love you
Well, if you want to be a movie star
I'll get a ticket to Hollywood
But if you want to stay just like you are
You know I think you really should
I'm your vehicle, baby
I'll take you anywhere you want to go
I'm your vehicle, woman
By now I'm sure you know
That I love ya (love ya)
I need ya (need ya)
I want ya
Got to have you, child
Great God in heaven you know I love you
Oh, you know I do
Well, I'm the friendly stranger in the black Sedan
Won't you hop inside my car
I got pictures, candy
I'm a lovable man
And I can take you to the nearest star
I'm your vehicle, baby
I'll take you anywhere you want to go
I'm your vehicle, woman
By now I'm sure you know
That I love ya (love ya)
I need ya (need ya)
I want ya
I got to have you
Great God in heaven you know I love you
And I'm your vehicle, babe
You know I love ya (love ya)
I need ya (need ya)
I want ya
Got to have you, child
Great God in heaven you know I love you

2019年8月22日 星期四

Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark-If You Leave

 1980年代走紅的Electro-pop電子流行樂合唱團Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark簡稱OMD)今年慶祝成立40周年,十月4日他們將出版一套生涯作品數位套裝特輯,和三張一套的黑膠精選輯。

  The Souvenir: Digital Box Set 98首歌,分成五組,包括OMD所有的暢銷曲在內,如1986 #4 的成名曲"If You Leave" top-20 單曲"Dreaming" "(Forever) Live and Die",另外也有新歌"Don't Go"

  前二組分別包括OMD1979 1987 1988 2019年的作品,第三組是一些沒發表的錄音,後二組則是2011 1983年在倫敦二個不同的場館現場演唱的錄音。



  一套數位商品Souvenir: The Singles Collection 1979–2019 ,包括OMD 40首歌的版本也會推出。

  OMD目前在美國和The B-52's  Berlin一同巡迴演唱,按行程他們九月24日將在紐約中央公園Summerstage結束今年的巡迴演唱。

If You Leave
Songwriters: Martin Handsley Cooper / Paul David Humphreys / Andrew McCluskey

If you leave, don't leave now
Please don't take my heart away
Promise me just one more night
Then we'll go our separate ways
We've always had time on our sides
But now it's fading fast
Every second
Every moment
We've got to, we've gotta make it last
I touch you once I touch you twice
I won't let go at any price
I need you now like I needed you then
You always said we'd still be friends someday
If you leave
I won't cry
I won't waste one single day
But if you leave, don't look back
I'll be running the other way
Seven years went under the bridge
Like time was standing still
Heaven knows what happens now
You've got to, you've gotta say you will
I touch you once, I touch you twice
I won't let go at any price
I need you now like I need you then
You always said we'd meet again
I touch you once I touch you twice
I won't let go at any price
I need you now like I need you then
You always said we'd still be friends
I touch you once I touch you twice
I won't let go at any price
I need you now like I need you then
You always said we'd meet again someday
If you leave
If you leave
If you leave
Don't look back
Don't look back

2019年8月15日 星期四

Cher -Believe


  Cher 不只想在室內演說呼籲而已,她想救Billy 

  老牌諧星、女藝人 Lily Tomlin 與「替動物發聲基金會」合作,呼籲洛杉磯動物園釋放住在他們園裡的大象Billy
  Cher相信這動物很痛苦,她希望能將牠安全的轉交一個動物福利團體The Performing Animal Welfare Society (PAWS),牠在身心上都很痛苦,Cher告訴 People雜誌:牠百分80的時間都前後搖晃,這種刻板行為,就是沮喪的表現,野象是從沒發生這種現象的。


  洛杉磯動物園回信給 People雜誌說:Billy 現在被照顧得很好,(PAWS) 還沒有跟動物園聯絡,或要求給Billy一個家,儘管如此,動物園沒有將Billy 送到養護所的計劃。

  Cher Tomlin九月7日仍將參加在加州Santa Monica舉辦的第三屆"Wait Wait … Don't Kill Me!"搞笑活動,幫「替動物發聲基金會」募款。




No matter how hard I try
You keep pushing me aside
And I can't break through
There's no talking to you
So sad that you're leaving
Takes time to believe it
But after all is said and done
You're gonna be the lonely one
Do you believe in life after love
I can feel something inside me say
I really don't think you're strong enough now
What am I supposed to do
Sit around and wait for you?
I can't do that
Yeah there's no turning back
I need time to move on
I need your love to feel strong
And after all is said and done
You're gonna be the lonely one
Do you believe in life after love
I can feel something inside me say
I really don't think you're strong enough now
Do you believe in life after love
I can feel something inside me say
I really…

2019年8月8日 星期四

Three Dog Night -Shambala

  Three Dog Night 團員 Chuck Negron的長期女友與經紀人Ami Albea
將帶給這個世界一些喜悅(bringing a lot of joy to his world--- Three Dog Night 最有名的歌是Joy to the world ),這位歌手宣布他倆最近訂婚了,ChuckFacebook Instagram分享了這個好消息。

  Negron最近參加了2019 the Turtles-headlined Happy Together巡迴演唱(Happy Togetherthe Turtles的名曲),七月31日他們在Nashville停留準備演出時,NegronAlbea求婚,還請她父親給予祝福,這一對佳偶相識已經八年,他們暫定2020Ami的家鄉亞特蘭大結婚。

  今年是Chuck第六次參加the Happy Together Tour巡迴演唱,他還準備於2020年第七次參加演出。

  除了Negron The Turtles2019版的巡迴演唱演出者還有Gary Puckett and the Union Gap The BuckinghamsThe Classics IV  The Cowsills這些1960年代後期到1970年代前期走紅的合唱團體。

  Three Dog Night是於洛杉磯組成的Pop-rock樂團,也是1971年最受歡迎的合唱團,團名典故來自澳洲內地很冷時土著要抱三條狗取暖而來,他們暢銷曲很多,其中名次最好的是1971年的6週冠軍曲Joy to the world,而1973年獲得第3名的 Shambala則是一首令人懷念的歌。

  Shambala傳說是位於西藏與印度山中的烏托邦,西方人因這個傳說衍伸出香格里拉的故事,英國作家James Hilton 1933年所寫的 Lost Horizon後來曾改編拍過電影失去的地平線」。

Three Dog Night, Tennessee Symphony Orchestra
Songwriters: Daniel Joseph Moore

Wash away my troubles, wash away my pain
With the rain in Shambala
Wash away my sorrow, wash away my shame
With the rain in Shambala
Ah, ooh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Everyone is helpful, everyone is kind
On the road to Shambala
Everyone is lucky, everyone is so kind
On the road to Shambala
Ah, ooh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
How does your light shine, in the halls of Shambala
I can tell my sister by the flowers in her eyes
On the road to Shambala
I can tell my brother by the flowers in her eyes
On the road to Shambala
Ah, ooh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
How does your light shine, in the halls of Shambala

MC HAMMER-U Can't Touch This

    One Hit Wonder 今天介紹 饒舌 樂手 MC HAMMER 1990年 得到第8 名的 暢銷曲 “U Can't Touch This ”。   1986年後 Hip Hop 嘻哈 音樂開始流行 。 嘻哈音樂也可稱 Rap 饒舌音樂...