藍調搖滾樂手Eric Clapton 不是the Yardbirds 合唱團第一個主唱吉他手(1963-1965),但他在該團那段時間的確開始漸漸出名,而且在離開時已經很有名了。
60年代的Eric Clapton還是一個藍調音樂信徒,在英國音樂界他還不能與George Harrison相提並論,Harrison沒有Clapton熟練,但他身處一個Clapton都很想加入的非常棒的合唱團,他參與製作的專輯比Clapton製作的專輯還要好。
多年期間他倆合作過二次以上,但他們最有名的二次合作是在60年代,1968年Harrison 找 Clapton 在The Beatles〈White Album〉專輯裡的單曲'While My Guitar Gently Weeps'「當我的吉他輕聲地哭泣」擔任吉他獨奏,Paul McCartney則擔任鋼琴前奏,這是Harrison個人最成功的歌曲之一。而Clapton 則邀請Harrison一起寫他為Cream合唱團製作的名曲 'Badge' 「徽章」(#69/69)並擔任吉他手。
即使Clapton愛上了Harrison的太太Patti,但也沒有傷害他倆的友情,後來他們還互相開玩笑說他倆只是'husbands-in-law'「法律上的丈夫」。Harrison去世後Clapton 擔任追思音樂會的音樂指導,在音樂會裡獨奏了'While My
Guitar Gently Weeps'。
George Harrison (1943-2001) 是The Beatles披頭四合唱團的主奏吉他手,披頭四解散後他個人也推出過不少暢銷曲,也參加過超級合唱團Teaveling Wilburys,Harrison於披頭四時期主唱最有名的歌就是'While My Guitar Gently Weeps'、'Something' 及'Here Comes The Sun'。
While My Guitar Gently
Songwriters: John Lennon
/ George Harrison / Paul James Mccartney
Ok, one, two, three, four
I look at you all see the
love there that's sleeping
While my guitar gently weeps
I look at the floor and I
see it needs sweeping
Still my guitar gently weeps.
I don't know why nobody told you
How to unfold your love
I don't know how someone controlled you
They bought and sold you
I look at the world and I
notice it's turning
While my guitar gently weeps
With every mistake we
must surely be learning
Still my guitar gently weeps
I don't know how you were
You were perverted too
I don't know how you were inverted