2022年6月30日 星期四

Leif Garrett -I Was Made For Dancin'





  Leif Garrett 1961年出生於好萊塢,母親是演員,父親從來未出現在那兒。

  他五歲時開始他的演藝生涯,姊姊Dawn Lyn和他搭配,他倆在很多電視和電影裡演出。

  後來他踏入流行音樂圈,他和Atlantic Records唱片公司簽了錄五張專輯的合約,他的第一張專輯於1977年推出,後來一共有4首單曲進入Billboard Hot 100 排行榜。

  1978年他和Scotti Brothers Records唱片公司簽約,那時才錄他第二張專輯,當時他以“I Was Made for Dancin’”開始走紅了。

  Leif Garrett1970年代的teen idol青少年偶像歌手。

 “I Was Made for Dancin’”197811月推出,在Billboard Hot 100 排行榜最高獲得第10名。




I Was Made For Dancin'


You got me rollin' like a wheel on the road
Turnin' round and round, nowhere to go
I've got to find out if you're feeling it, too
It's hard to tell, so here's what I do
And everytime I want more
I'll take you out on the floor
I was made for dancin'
All-all-all, all night long
I was made for dancin'
All-all-all, all night long

The days and nights are moving by me and you
You're such a crazy love, you tear me in two
I spend my time moving to dreams and a phase
It's a crazy love, you can see it in my face
And everytime I want more
I'll take you out on the floor

I was made for dancin'
All-all-all, all night long (yeah)
I was made for dancin'
All-all-all, all night long

I was made for dancin'
All-all-all, all night long
I was made for dancin'
All-all-all, all night long
Ah-hah, dancin'
I was made for dancin', ah-hah
I was made for dancin', dancin', dancin'

I was made for dancin'
All-all-all, all night long (yeah)
I was made for dancin'
All-all-all, all night long
Oh, I was made for dancin'
All-all-all, all night long (yeah)

2022年6月23日 星期四

Ozzy Osbourne And Lita Ford - Close My Eyes Forever

  Ozzy Osbourne出院後開始他'On The Road To Recovery'巡迴演唱

   Ozzy Osbourne的太太Sharon Osbourne表示: Ozzy Osbourne 613日開刀手術順利,目前逐漸康復中她在Instagram 表示 : "我們全家不知所措,我們要對大家的支持表達感謝之意,你們的愛代表全世界"Sharon前幾周在英國上脫口秀"The Talk",後來回到洛杉磯來陪Ozzy Osbourne進行這個對他餘生特別重要的手術

  來自英格蘭伯明翰的   Ozzy Osbourne出生於194812月,是一位重金屬搖滾樂手,之前曾是Black Sabbth「黑色安息日」樂團的主唱歌手,1978年被趕出該團,後來自組過個人的樂團,他的表演風格很有爭議,他太太Sharon Arden原來是他的經紀人,198274日二人送作堆。

     Ozzy Osbourne   Billboard Hot 100排行榜有一首   top 10的暢銷曲,是他和   Lita Ford合唱的   Close My Eyes Forever19893月推出,最高獲得過第8名,是一首動聽的rock ballad-重金屬搖滾情歌。

      Lita Ford出生於倫敦,成長於洛杉磯,她是女子搖滾樂團   The Runaways   的成員之一,與該團Cherie CurrieJoan Jett等女性搖滾樂手、在搖滾樂史上佔有一席之地。




Close My Eyes Forever

Lyrics : Osbourne Ozzy / Ford Lita Rossana


I get so scared inside, and I don't really understand
Is it love that's on my mind, or is it fantasy?

Is in the palm of my hand, and it's waiting here for you
What am I supposed to do with a childhood tragedy?

If I close my eyes forever
Will it all remain unchanged?
If I close my eyes forever
Will it all remain the same?

It's hard to hold on
So hard to hold on to my dreams
It isn't always what it seems
When you're face to face with me

You're like a dagger
And stick me in the heart
And taste the blood from my blade
And when we sleep, would you shelter me
In your warm and darkened grave?

If I close my eyes forever
Will it all remain unchanged?
If I close my eyes forever
Will it all remain the same?

Will you ever take me?
No, I just can't take the pain
But would you ever trust me?
No, I'll never feel the same, oh

I know I've been so hard on you
I know I've told you lies
If I could have just one more wish
I'd wipe the cobwebs from my eyes

If I close my eyes forever
Will it all remain unchanged?
If I close my eyes forever
Will it all remain the same?
Close your eyes
Close your eyes
You gotta close your eyes for me





2022年6月16日 星期四

Jane Morgan-Fascination

  "Fascination"是一首華爾滋節拍抒情歌曲,早在1904年由Fermo Dante Marchetti作詞,Maurice de Féraudy作曲,由'Valse Tzigane演奏的鋼琴曲同年在漢堡及巴黎出版,隨後de Féraudy填詞的版本於1905年由法蘭西音樂廳樂手Paulette Darty演唱後出版

  英文歌詞是由Dick Manning 所寫的,歌名即"Fascination",許多藝人錄過,其中包括Dick JacobsNat King Cole David Carroll等當年的名歌手,他們的作品也都進入排行榜

  1957年,又有二位名歌星錄了這首歌,Dinah Shore的版本在Billboard最多電台主持人播放歌曲排行榜獲得第15名,Jane Morgan的版本則成了她的招牌歌,在主持人排行榜最高獲得第7名,而在較重要的the Best Seller chart最佳銷售榜則獲得第12

  Jane Morgan 本名Florence Catherine Currier1924年出生於美國麻塞諸塞州Newton,在美國走紅之前她已經在於英國與法國成名,獲得過六張金唱片,她常在夜總會和百老匯演出,也在電視節目表演,是一位影歌雙棲的藝人

  Jane Morgan的音色極美,聽抒情歌曲絕對不能錯過她的歌

  "Fascination"也曾是由加利古柏和奧黛麗赫本主演的一部受歡迎的名片"Love in Afternoon"《黃昏之戀》的插曲。


(66) Fascination (Original Soundtrack from "Love in Afternoon '') - YouTube


(66) Fascination - YouTube





It was fascination, I know

And it might have ended right then, at the start

Just a passing glance, just a brief romance

And I might have gone on my way, empty hearted

It was fascination, I know

Seeing you alone with the moonlight, above

Then I touch your hand and next moment, I kiss you

Fascination turned, to love

It was fascination, I know

Seeing you alone with the moonlight, above

Then I touch your hand and next moment, I kiss you

Fascination turned, to love


2022年6月9日 星期四

Claire Martin & Ray Gelato- C'est Si Bon

   C'est Si Bon是一首法國香頌,1947年由   Betti Ange Eugene作曲 Hornez Andre 作詞,1950年由Seelen Jerry改寫英文歌詞,在Billboard Hot 100排行榜上鄉村歌星Conway Twitty曾經翻唱過,他的C'est Si Bon(It’s So Good)1961年曾經獲得第22

  C'est Si Bon最早於1948年由 Jacques Hélian & son Orchestre 推出,後來翻唱的藝人極多,推薦給你    Claire Martin & Ray Gelato 精彩的 爵士風  C'est Si Bon






C'est si bon

作詞/作曲:Betti Ange Eugene / Hornez Andre / Seelen Jerry


Je ne sais pas si l'année de plus blonde
Mais de plus belle il n'en est pas pour moi
Elle est vraiment toute la joie du monde
Ma vie commence d
ès que je la voie

Et je fait "o"
Et je fait "a"

C'est si bon, de partir n'importe où
Bras dessus bras dessous, en chantant des chansons
C'est si bon, de se dire des mots doux
Des petits rien du tout, mais qui en disent long

En voyant notre mine ravie
Les passants dans la rue nous envient
C'est si bon, de guetter dans ses yeux un
Espoir merveilleux, qui me donne le frisson

C'est si bon, ces petites sensations
Sa vaut plus qu'un million
Tellement tellement c'est bon

Vous devinez [...?] le notre
Et si je l'aime vous comprenez pourquoi
Elle est [...?] et je n'en veut plus d'autre
Car elle est toutes les femmes
à la fois

Elle me fait "o"
Elle me fait "a"

C'est si bon, de pouvoir l'embracer
Et puis de recommencer,
à la moindre occasion
C'est si bon, de jouer du piano
Tout le long se son dos, pendant que nous dansons

C'est inouï ce qu'elle a pour sduire
Sans parler de c'que je n'peux pas dire
C'est si bon, quand j'la tiens dans mes bras
De me dire que tout sa, c'est a moi pour de bon

C'est si bon, et si nous nous aimons
Cherchez pas la raison, c'est parc'que c'est si bon
C'est parce que c'est si bon
C'est parce que c'est si[?] bon





2022年6月2日 星期四

Alan Parsons Project-Eye in the Sky

Alan Parsons Project重新發行'I Robot,' 'Eye In The Sky'

  The Alan Parsons Project宣布重新發行二張白金專輯唱片I RobotEye in the Sky以紀念這二張專輯發行4540周年

  Alan Parsons Project 19751990.年出過11張專輯唱片,《I Robot 1977年問世,幫Alan Parsons Eric Woolfson這對二重唱打進美國市場 ,其中單曲"I Wouldn't Want to Be Like You"進入Top 40,另外 "Don't Let it Show""Day After Day (The Show Must Go On)" "Breakdown"也獲得電台DJ的青睞。

  Eye in the Sky》這張專輯於1982年推出,在 the Billboard 200專輯排行榜最高獲得第7名,同名招牌歌曲"Eye in the Sky"the Billboard 100單曲排行榜獲得第3名,而另一首"Sirius"則變成NBA芝加哥公牛隊巨星Michael Jordan的出場曲而全球知名。

  The Alan Parsons Project的二名要角Alan Parsons是一位吉他手主鍵琴手製作人,與披頭Pink Floyd及多位搖滾歌手有過合作經驗,Eric Woolfson擔任主唱及鍵琴手,這個二重唱大部分歌曲的歌詞都是他寫的,但不幸Eric Woolfson2009年底已因癌症去世

  The Alan Parsons Project"Eye in the Sky"是他們在排行榜上名次最好的歌




Eye in the Sky Lyrics


[Verse 1]
Don't think sorry's easily said
Don't try turning tables instead
You've taken lots of chances before
But I ain't gonna give anymore
Don't ask me
That's how it goes
'Cause part of me knows what you're thinking

[Verse 2]
Don't say words you're gonna regret
Don't let the fire rush to your head
I've heard the accusation before
And I ain't gonna take any more
Believe me

The sun in your eyes
Made some of the lies worth believing

I am the eye in the sky
Looking at you
I can read your mind

I am the maker of rules
Dealing with fools
I can cheat you blind
And I don't need to see any more to know that
I can read your mind (looking at you)
I can read your mind (looking at you)
I can read your mind (looking at you)
I can read your mind

[Verse 3]
Don't leave false illusion behind
Don't cry, I ain't changing my mind
So find another fool like before
Cause I ain't gonna live anymore believing
Some of the lies while all of the signs are deceiving

I am the eye in the sky
Looking at you
I can read your mind

I am the maker of rules
Dealing with fools
I can cheat you blind

And I don't need to see anymore to know that
I can read your mind (looking at you)
I can read your mind (looking at you)
I can read your mind (looking at you)
I can read your mind


I am the eye in the sky

Looking at you

I can read your mind

I am the maker of rules

Dealing with fools

I can cheat you blind

And I don't need to see anymore to know that

I can read your mind (looking at you)

I can read your mind (looking at you)

I can read your mind (looking at you)

I can read your mind

MC HAMMER-U Can't Touch This

    One Hit Wonder 今天介紹 饒舌 樂手 MC HAMMER 1990年 得到第8 名的 暢銷曲 “U Can't Touch This ”。   1986年後 Hip Hop 嘻哈 音樂開始流行 。 嘻哈音樂也可稱 Rap 饒舌音樂...