2011年11月13日 星期日

Answer song「回應歌曲」

1961年由Barbara George所唱紅的I Know(You Don't Love Me No More),在流行歌曲排行榜曾經獲得過第3名,這首歌當年在台灣紅得不得了,不過大概三、四年級的歌迷們才有印象了,Barbara George其實是一位黑人R&B女歌手與作曲人,她的這首I Know (You Don't Love Me No More)在1962年就由黑人R&B歌手Jimmy Norman唱出了所謂的answer song-"I Don't Love You No More (I Don't Care About You)",這首歌在流行歌曲排行榜只獲得過第47名,但在黑人R&B歌曲排行榜名次較好獲得過第21名。

Answer song「回應歌曲」最早流行於1930-1950年代的Blues藍調歌曲和R&B節奏與藍調歌曲,但最紅的時候是1950-1960年代的鄉村歌曲,通常由一位女歌手唱一首歌回應男歌手,像貓王Elvis Presley的Are You Lonesome Tonight?(1960)就有Thelma Carpenter與Dodie Stevens唱了Yes,I’m Lonesome Tonight來回應(1961),其餘如Jim Reeves的He’ll Have To Go(1959)有Jeanne Black的He’ll Have To Stay(1960)來回應,Lesley Gore的Judy’s Turn To Cry(1963)則回應她自己同年的It’s My Party(And I’ll Cry If I Want To),當然answer song也不盡然是情歌,像Woody Guthrie的經典歌曲This Land Is Your Land(1940)回應Irving Berlin 1918年所寫1938年修正的God BlessAmerica。

早年因The End Of The World在台灣很受歡迎的鄉村歌星Skeeter Davis,就曾灌過一張Here’s The Answer的專輯唱片,其中包括Tell Laura I Love Her(Ray Peterson 1960)的回應歌Tell Tommy I Miss Him等。

Jimmy Norman這位出生於田納西州那許維爾的R&B歌手,11月8日已於紐約市去世(74歲)。

I Know (You Don't Love Me No More)

Barbara George

I know (I know) you don't love me no more

No more (no more) no no more

And I don't want to be hurt anymore

(no more) anymore (no more)

yeah yeah I have loved so hard

everything I did was no dard

If I can't love you right baby

I don't have to love you at all

I know (I know) you don't want me no more

No more (no more) no no more

And it has to be someone else lovin you more

(no more) lovin you more (no more)

Ain't no use in me cryin now

If not for you I wouldnn't be down

Don't want me no more baby

Ain't no use in you hangin round

I know no more no more

no more no more

I know (I know) you don't want me no more

No more (no more) no no more

And it has to be someone else lovin you more

(no more) lovin you more (no more)

Ain't no use in me cryin now

If not for you I wouldn't be down

Don't want me no more baby

Ain't no use in you hangin round

I know (I know) I know (I know)



The Human League-Don't You Want Me

  在 Martyn Ware 和 lan Craig Marsh 離開更具實驗性的早期 The Human League 樂團 組成 Heaven 17 後, Phil Oakey 帶領樂團走向了一個新的、更平易近人的方向。 他的專輯 《 Dare 》 風靡全球,這張專輯充滿了...