2013年10月31日 星期四


曾經是the Velvet Underground 合唱團主唱歌手與作曲人Lou Reed十月27日不幸於故鄉紐約去世71歲),他去年五月動過換肝手術,上週從克里夫蘭因病返回紐約


Lou Reed最有名的歌是離開the Velvet Underground之後個人推出的Walk On The Wild Side這首歌在1973年曾經得到熱門排行榜第16


1970年當Lou Reed離開the Velvet Underground之後有人找他替Nelson Algren的小說改編的音樂劇A Walk On The Wild Side寫幾首插曲,雖然這齣音樂劇最後沒推出可是Lou Reed將歌名保留,並且推薦給藝術家及前衛電影製作人Andy Warhol身邊的Andy Warhol曾經於1965-1967年擔任the Velvet Underground的經紀人),Lou Reed說他一直覺得在派對中向人介紹自己的見解是件有趣的事可是別進一步去接近


Lou Reed不是一位靠排行榜出名的音樂人除了Walk On The Wild Side曾經得到熱門排行榜第16名之外他並沒有任何暢銷曲但該曲與他the Velvet Underground時代的I'm Waiting For The ManSweet JaneHeroin等都是獲選滾石雜誌500大歌曲榜的歌


Lou Reed在搖滾樂界有開路先鋒的地位更有樂界人士封他為龐克搖滾教父」。




Lou Reed


Holly came from Miami, Fla

Hitchhiked her way across the USA.

Plucked her eyebrows on the way

Shaved her leg and then he was she - she said:


Hey Babe, take a walk on the wild side,

Said hey honey, take a walk on the wild side.


Candy came from out on the island,

In the backroom she was everybodys darling,

But she never lost her head

Even when she was given head - she said


Hey Babe, take a walk on the wild side,

Said hey honey, take a walk on the wild side.

And the coloured girls go, doo dodoo


Little Joe never once gave it away,

Ev'rybody had to pay and pay.

A hustle here and a hustle there

New York city is no place where they said:


Hey Babe, take a walk on the wild side,

Said hey honey, take a walk on the wild side.


Sugar plum fairy came and hit the streets

Looking for soul food and a place to eat

Went to the Apollo, you should have seen him go go go - they said:


Hey Sugar, take a walk on the wild side,

Said hey honey, take a walk on the wild side.


Jackie is just speeding away,

Thought she was James Dean for a day

Then I guess she had to crash, Valium would have helped that bash - she said:


Hey Sugar, take a walk on the wild side,

Said hey honey, take a walk on the wild side.

And the coloured girls go, doo dodoo


2013年10月24日 星期四


演「窈窕淑女」、「埃及豔后」等的名演員Rex Harrison的兒子Noel Harrison,十月20日不幸去世(79歲),Noel曾經與Stephanie Powers合演過電視影集" The Girl from UNCLE"當中的伙伴Mark Slate,這部影集是偵探戲"The Man from UNCLE"的姐妹劇,不過收視率不大好。


Noel Harrison1960年代中期有二首歌進排行榜,"A Young Girl""Suzanne"都只得到50幾名,不過前者後來在加拿大很受歡迎,得過第五名。


Noel Harrison週末還在故鄉英格蘭的Devon演出,但禮拜天就因心臟病去世了,


Noel HarrisonSteve McQueenFaye Dunaway主演很有名的電影"The Thomas Crown Affair"「天羅地網」所唱的主題曲"The Windmills Of Your Mind"1969年得到過英國排行榜第8名,也是得到當年奧斯卡最佳電影歌曲獎的歌,這首歌的歌詞寫得很有意境,很多名歌星都翻唱過。


影歌雙棲的Noel Harrison還有另外一項專長,他曾經二度以滑雪選手身份代表英國參加冬季奧運會。




The Windmills Of Your Mind

Noel Harrison


Round like a circle in a spiral like a wheel within a wheel

Never ending on beginning on an ever-spinning reel

Like a snowball down a mountain or a carnival balloon

Like a carousel that's turning running rings around the moon

Like a clock whose hands are sweeping past the minutes on its face

And the world is like an apple spinning silently in space

Like the circles that you find

In the windmills of your mind


Like a tunnel that you follow to a tunnel of its own

Down a hollow to a cavern where the sun has never shone

Like a door that keeps revolving in a half-forgotten dream

Like the ripples from a pebble someone tosses in a stream

Like a clock whose hands are sweeping past the minutes on its face

And the world is like an apple spinning silently in space

Like the circles that you find

In the windmills of your mind


Keys that jingle in your pocket

Words that jangle in your head

Why did summer go so quickly?

Was it something that I said?

Lovers walk along a shore

And leave their footprints in the sand

Was the sound of distant drumming

Just the fingers of your hand?

Pictures hanging in a hallway

Or the fragment of a song

Half-remembered names and faces

But to whom do they belong?

When you knew that it was over

Were you suddenly aware

That the autumn leaves were turning

To the color of her hair?


Like a circle in a spiral

Like a wheel within a wheel

Never ending or beginning

On an ever-spinning reel

As the images unwind

Like the circles that you find

In the windmills of your mind






2013年10月17日 星期四

鄉村歌星Ray Price重病

1970年代走紅的鄉村歌星Ray Price十月八日因敗血症住進休士頓一家醫院,而且已引致急性腎衰竭,他已經跟胰臟癌對抗一段時間,而且在洗腎,他太太說感染來自抗生素,醫生都盡力照顧。

Ray Price 1926年出生德州東部的Perrybille,年輕時本來立志當獸醫,但因他有彈吉它天份,最後終究從電台發跡踏入歌唱界。

Ray Price早年歌路深受鄉村巨星Hank Williams的影響,他的樂隊the Cherokee Cowboys部份團員就來自Hank Williamsthe Drifting Cowboys,所以後來他的綽號就叫the Cherokee Cowboy

19521989年,Ray Price一共有109首歌進過鄉村歌曲排行榜。

Ray Price1970年推出由Kris Kristofferson所寫的For The Good Times除了獲得鄉村歌曲排行榜冠軍熱門歌曲排行榜第11名之外,也替他奪得當年Grammy最佳鄉村男歌星獎For The Good Times這首動聽的抒情歌曲,也是全美最常播放的一百首歌排行榜第50名的歌

For the Good Times
Ray Price

Don't look so sad, I know it's over
But life goes on and this old world will keep on turning
Let's just be glad we had some time to spend together
There's no need to watch the bridges that we're burning

Lay your head upon my pillow
Hold your warm and tender body close to mine
Hear the whisper of the rain drops flowing soft against the window
And make believe you love me one more time
For the good times

I'll get along, you'll find another
And I'll be here if you should find you ever need me
Don't say a word about tomorrow or forever
There'll be time enough for sadness when you leave me

Lay your head upon my pillow
Hold your warm and tender body close to mine
Hear the whisper of the rain drops flowing soft against the window
And make believe you love me one more time

For the good times

2013年10月10日 星期四


1960年代後期的泡泡糖搖滾樂團The Ohio Express的吉它手Doug Grassel九月21日因肺病於德國去世64歲)。

The Ohio Express原先叫The Rare Breed1967年曾經有一首 Beg, Borrow or Steal得過排行榜第29,後來由製作人Jerry Kasenetz Jeff Katz 找來俄亥俄州Mansfield的一個叫Sir Timothy & the Royals的合唱團接手而變成新的The Ohio Express合唱團但是他們灌唱片的時候卻重用很多紐約錄音室樂手其中包括主唱Joey Levine

The Ohio Express的歌被歸類為Bubblegum Rock泡泡糖搖滾,這類音樂流行於1960年代後期,歌迷以年紀較小的青少年為主,由製作人主導找錄音室工作者錄出來的唱片,常常不知道主唱是誰,但有它的市場,泡泡糖搖滾於1977年以後被迪斯可與龐克音樂取代。

The Ohio Express的幾首暢銷曲如Yummy Yummy Yummy(#4-1968)Down At Lulu(#33-1968)Chewy Chewy (#15-1968) Mercy (#30-1969)都是當年很受歡迎的歌

Doug Grassel因錄唱片有別人幫忙所以一直到各地巡迴演出,而且在The Ohio Express解散後還一直維持這習慣,他去世前十年都在德國。

"Yummy, Yummy, Yummy"

Yummy, Yummy, Yummy.
I got love in my tummy,
And I feel like a-lovin you:
Love, you're such a sweet thing,
Good enough to eat thing
And that's just a-what I'm gonna do.
Ooh love, to hold ya,
Ooh love, to kiss ya,
Ooh love, I love it so.
Ooh love, you're sweeter,
Sweeter than sugar.
Ooh love, I wont let you go.
Yummy, Yummy, Yummy,
I got love in my tummy,
And as silly as it may seem;
The lovin' that you re giving,
is what keeps me livin'
And your love is like
Peaches and cream.
Kind-a like sugar,
Kind-a like spices,
Kind-a like, like what you do.
Kind-a sounds funny.
But love,honey
Honey. I love you.
Yummy, Yummy, Yummy,
I. got love in my tummy,
That your love can satisfy;
Love, you're such a sweet thing,
Good enough to eat thing
And sweet thing, that ain't no lie.
I love to hold ya,
Oh love, to kiss ya,
Ooh love, I love it so.
Ooh love, you're sweeter,
Sweeter than sugar.

Ooh love, I wont let you go.

2013年10月3日 星期四

愛黛兒將演Dusty Springfield


當紅的英國創作女歌手Adele愛黛兒最近宣佈:她將參加已故英國女歌星Dusty Springfield的自傳電影演出,儘管這案子已提出好幾年,期間Nicole Kidman尼可基曼還一度傳言要當女主角Adele的發言人說談這片子只是初步階段明年之前不會開拍


Adele2008年獲Grammy最佳新人獎之後一路長紅,今年初還以007電影「空降危機」的主題曲Sky Fall獲得奧斯卡最佳原創歌曲獎


1999年因癌症去世的英國女歌星Dusty Springfield,則是受英國歌迷尊敬的一位流行歌曲唱將級歌手,她1966年的You Don't Have To Say You Love Me在台北也是一首非常受歡迎的抒情歌曲,1987Dusty Springfield曾和Pet Shop Boys合唱What Have I Done To Deserve This獲得二週第2那也是她最後一次在排行榜出現


1999Dusty Springfield去世當年獲選進入搖滾樂名人堂在歷年暢銷歌星排行榜Dusty則獲得第296,她的自傳電影的推出將是歌迷們期待的盛事




Dusty Springfield


When I said I needed you, you said you would always stay

It wasn't me who changed but you, and now you've gone away

Don't you see that now you've gone and I'm left here on my own

That I have to follow you and beg you to come home




You don't have to say you love me, just be close at hand

You don't have to stay forever, I will understand

Believe me, believe me, I can't help but love you

But believe me, I'll never tie you down


Left alone with just a memory, life seems dead and so unreal

All that's left is loneliness, there's nothing left to feel




You don't have to say you love me, just be close at hand

You don't have to stay forever, I will understand

Believe me, believe me....(UP ONE KEY)

You don't have to say you love me, just be close at hand


You don't have to stay forever, I will understand

Believe me, believe me, believe me


Debby Boone- You Light up my life

  本 週 介紹的 One Hit Wonder 是1977年一部電影   You Light up my  life 《你照亮我的生命》 的主題歌曲。   少女「羅莉」從小跟著父親在 加州 地區表演脫口秀,長大之後,「羅莉」參加廣告對白配音、演唱的表演工作,收入雖然微薄...