2013年10月17日 星期四

鄉村歌星Ray Price重病

1970年代走紅的鄉村歌星Ray Price十月八日因敗血症住進休士頓一家醫院,而且已引致急性腎衰竭,他已經跟胰臟癌對抗一段時間,而且在洗腎,他太太說感染來自抗生素,醫生都盡力照顧。

Ray Price 1926年出生德州東部的Perrybille,年輕時本來立志當獸醫,但因他有彈吉它天份,最後終究從電台發跡踏入歌唱界。

Ray Price早年歌路深受鄉村巨星Hank Williams的影響,他的樂隊the Cherokee Cowboys部份團員就來自Hank Williamsthe Drifting Cowboys,所以後來他的綽號就叫the Cherokee Cowboy

19521989年,Ray Price一共有109首歌進過鄉村歌曲排行榜。

Ray Price1970年推出由Kris Kristofferson所寫的For The Good Times除了獲得鄉村歌曲排行榜冠軍熱門歌曲排行榜第11名之外,也替他奪得當年Grammy最佳鄉村男歌星獎For The Good Times這首動聽的抒情歌曲,也是全美最常播放的一百首歌排行榜第50名的歌

For the Good Times
Ray Price

Don't look so sad, I know it's over
But life goes on and this old world will keep on turning
Let's just be glad we had some time to spend together
There's no need to watch the bridges that we're burning

Lay your head upon my pillow
Hold your warm and tender body close to mine
Hear the whisper of the rain drops flowing soft against the window
And make believe you love me one more time
For the good times

I'll get along, you'll find another
And I'll be here if you should find you ever need me
Don't say a word about tomorrow or forever
There'll be time enough for sadness when you leave me

Lay your head upon my pillow
Hold your warm and tender body close to mine
Hear the whisper of the rain drops flowing soft against the window
And make believe you love me one more time

For the good times



MC HAMMER-U Can't Touch This

    One Hit Wonder 今天介紹 饒舌 樂手 MC HAMMER 1990年 得到第8 名的 暢銷曲 “U Can't Touch This ”。   1986年後 Hip Hop 嘻哈 音樂開始流行 。 嘻哈音樂也可稱 Rap 饒舌音樂...