2013年10月31日 星期四


曾經是the Velvet Underground 合唱團主唱歌手與作曲人Lou Reed十月27日不幸於故鄉紐約去世71歲),他去年五月動過換肝手術,上週從克里夫蘭因病返回紐約


Lou Reed最有名的歌是離開the Velvet Underground之後個人推出的Walk On The Wild Side這首歌在1973年曾經得到熱門排行榜第16


1970年當Lou Reed離開the Velvet Underground之後有人找他替Nelson Algren的小說改編的音樂劇A Walk On The Wild Side寫幾首插曲,雖然這齣音樂劇最後沒推出可是Lou Reed將歌名保留,並且推薦給藝術家及前衛電影製作人Andy Warhol身邊的Andy Warhol曾經於1965-1967年擔任the Velvet Underground的經紀人),Lou Reed說他一直覺得在派對中向人介紹自己的見解是件有趣的事可是別進一步去接近


Lou Reed不是一位靠排行榜出名的音樂人除了Walk On The Wild Side曾經得到熱門排行榜第16名之外他並沒有任何暢銷曲但該曲與他the Velvet Underground時代的I'm Waiting For The ManSweet JaneHeroin等都是獲選滾石雜誌500大歌曲榜的歌


Lou Reed在搖滾樂界有開路先鋒的地位更有樂界人士封他為龐克搖滾教父」。




Lou Reed


Holly came from Miami, Fla

Hitchhiked her way across the USA.

Plucked her eyebrows on the way

Shaved her leg and then he was she - she said:


Hey Babe, take a walk on the wild side,

Said hey honey, take a walk on the wild side.


Candy came from out on the island,

In the backroom she was everybodys darling,

But she never lost her head

Even when she was given head - she said


Hey Babe, take a walk on the wild side,

Said hey honey, take a walk on the wild side.

And the coloured girls go, doo dodoo


Little Joe never once gave it away,

Ev'rybody had to pay and pay.

A hustle here and a hustle there

New York city is no place where they said:


Hey Babe, take a walk on the wild side,

Said hey honey, take a walk on the wild side.


Sugar plum fairy came and hit the streets

Looking for soul food and a place to eat

Went to the Apollo, you should have seen him go go go - they said:


Hey Sugar, take a walk on the wild side,

Said hey honey, take a walk on the wild side.


Jackie is just speeding away,

Thought she was James Dean for a day

Then I guess she had to crash, Valium would have helped that bash - she said:


Hey Sugar, take a walk on the wild side,

Said hey honey, take a walk on the wild side.

And the coloured girls go, doo dodoo




MC HAMMER-U Can't Touch This

    One Hit Wonder 今天介紹 饒舌 樂手 MC HAMMER 1990年 得到第8 名的 暢銷曲 “U Can't Touch This ”。   1986年後 Hip Hop 嘻哈 音樂開始流行 。 嘻哈音樂也可稱 Rap 饒舌音樂...