2013年10月24日 星期四


演「窈窕淑女」、「埃及豔后」等的名演員Rex Harrison的兒子Noel Harrison,十月20日不幸去世(79歲),Noel曾經與Stephanie Powers合演過電視影集" The Girl from UNCLE"當中的伙伴Mark Slate,這部影集是偵探戲"The Man from UNCLE"的姐妹劇,不過收視率不大好。


Noel Harrison1960年代中期有二首歌進排行榜,"A Young Girl""Suzanne"都只得到50幾名,不過前者後來在加拿大很受歡迎,得過第五名。


Noel Harrison週末還在故鄉英格蘭的Devon演出,但禮拜天就因心臟病去世了,


Noel HarrisonSteve McQueenFaye Dunaway主演很有名的電影"The Thomas Crown Affair"「天羅地網」所唱的主題曲"The Windmills Of Your Mind"1969年得到過英國排行榜第8名,也是得到當年奧斯卡最佳電影歌曲獎的歌,這首歌的歌詞寫得很有意境,很多名歌星都翻唱過。


影歌雙棲的Noel Harrison還有另外一項專長,他曾經二度以滑雪選手身份代表英國參加冬季奧運會。




The Windmills Of Your Mind

Noel Harrison


Round like a circle in a spiral like a wheel within a wheel

Never ending on beginning on an ever-spinning reel

Like a snowball down a mountain or a carnival balloon

Like a carousel that's turning running rings around the moon

Like a clock whose hands are sweeping past the minutes on its face

And the world is like an apple spinning silently in space

Like the circles that you find

In the windmills of your mind


Like a tunnel that you follow to a tunnel of its own

Down a hollow to a cavern where the sun has never shone

Like a door that keeps revolving in a half-forgotten dream

Like the ripples from a pebble someone tosses in a stream

Like a clock whose hands are sweeping past the minutes on its face

And the world is like an apple spinning silently in space

Like the circles that you find

In the windmills of your mind


Keys that jingle in your pocket

Words that jangle in your head

Why did summer go so quickly?

Was it something that I said?

Lovers walk along a shore

And leave their footprints in the sand

Was the sound of distant drumming

Just the fingers of your hand?

Pictures hanging in a hallway

Or the fragment of a song

Half-remembered names and faces

But to whom do they belong?

When you knew that it was over

Were you suddenly aware

That the autumn leaves were turning

To the color of her hair?


Like a circle in a spiral

Like a wheel within a wheel

Never ending or beginning

On an ever-spinning reel

As the images unwind

Like the circles that you find

In the windmills of your mind








MC HAMMER-U Can't Touch This

    One Hit Wonder 今天介紹 饒舌 樂手 MC HAMMER 1990年 得到第8 名的 暢銷曲 “U Can't Touch This ”。   1986年後 Hip Hop 嘻哈 音樂開始流行 。 嘻哈音樂也可稱 Rap 饒舌音樂...