2015年4月2日 星期四


1956年第六名的演奏曲"The Happy Whistler"成名的Don Robertson,三月16日以92歲高齡病逝於加州Santa MonicaDon出生於北京,在芝加哥長大,他年輕時就放棄芝加哥大學的學業去當地WGN電台當音樂編輯。
第二次世界大戰期間服役退伍後,Don搬到洛衫磯,後來他寫了不少名曲,包括由Les Paul & Mary FordEddy Arnold、貓王Elvis Presley Tommy Edwards 唱紅的"I Really Don't Want To Know",由Hank Locklin 演唱1960年獲得過第八名的"Please Help Me, I'm Falling"Lorne Greene唱紅的1964年冠軍曲"Ringo",以及"I Love You More And More Every Day" (#9-1964 for Al Martino) "Anything That's Part Of You" (a #31 tune for Elvis in 1962)
"I Really Don't Want To Know"有不少歌手唱過,名次最好的是Tommy Edwards版本,1960年曾得過第18名,貓王Elvis Presley 1971年重唱獲得過第21名,這首歌在當年的台北也很受歡迎,還曾改編為「過去的春夢」以國語演唱。

I Really Don't Want to Know
Elvis Presley
(Words & music by Howard Barnes - Don Robertson)

Oh how many arms have held you
And hated to let you go
How many, oh how many, I wonder
But I really don't want, I don't wanna know
Oh how many lips have kissed you
And set, set your soul aglow, yes they did
How many, oh how many, I wonder, yes I do
But I really don't want to know
So always make, make me wonder
And always make, make me guess
And even, you know even if I ask you
Oh darling oh don't you, don't confess
Just let it, let it remain your secret
Oh for darling, darling I love you so
No wonder, yeah no wonder, I wonder
Mmm, 'cause I really don't want, I don't wanna know



The Human League-Don't You Want Me

  在 Martyn Ware 和 lan Craig Marsh 離開更具實驗性的早期 The Human League 樂團 組成 Heaven 17 後, Phil Oakey 帶領樂團走向了一個新的、更平易近人的方向。 他的專輯 《 Dare 》 風靡全球,這張專輯充滿了...