2015年4月30日 星期四


流行音樂作曲人Sid Tepper四月24日在佛羅里達州Miami Beach附近家中去世,高齡96歲,他最有名的作品是the Ames Brothers 所唱的"The Naughty Lady Of Shady Lane" (#3-1954 )Georgia Gibbs所唱的"Kiss Of Fire" (#1-1952 )Vic Dana所唱的"Red Roses For A Blue Lady" (#10-1965 )
Sid Tepper是紐約的Brooklyn人,經常與Roy Bennett合作寫歌,他曾經替貓王寫過45首歌,包括"G.I. Blues" "Puppet On A String" "The Lady Loves Me

搖滾樂團Heart的女主唱Ann Wilson四月25日在經紀人位於加州Topanga的莊園後院結婚,新郎和她1980年代就認識,倆人都64歲,Ann還有二個和前夫生的小孩。

在電視影集"Partridge Family"「歡樂滿人間」當中飾演小女兒的演員Suzanne Crough,四月27 日在內華達州家中猝逝(52歲),當年她因為年紀還小並沒有在the Partridge Family樂團中表演,成年後的她後來還是放棄了演藝工作在一家供應商當經理。
Partridge Family劇集中的David CassidySusan Dey這一對俊男美女,後來在娛樂界都很受歡迎,紅過一段時間,但近年David Cassidy數度酒駕出事對他形象很傷。


I'll Meet You Halfway
The Partridge Family

Will there come a day, when you and I can say
We can fin'lly see each other?
Well there come a time, when we can find the time
To reach out for one another?

We've been trav'lin in circles such a long, long time
Try'n to say hello, oh
And we can just let it ride, but you're someone that I'd
Like to get to know.

I'll meet you halfway, that's better than no way
There must be some way to get it together
And if there's some way, I know that some day
We just might work it out forever.

Will there come a day, when you and I can say
We can fin'lly see each other?
Well there come a time, when we can find the time
To reach out for one another?

We've been trav'lin in circles such a long, long time
Try'n to say hello, oh
And we can just let it ride, but you're someone that I'd
Like to get to know.

I'll meet you halfway, that's better than no way
There must be some way to get it together
And if there's some way, I know that some day
We just might work it out forever.

I'll meet you halfway, that's better than no way.
I'll meet you halfway, that's better than no way.

I'll meet you halfway, that's better than no way.



The Human League-Don't You Want Me

  在 Martyn Ware 和 lan Craig Marsh 離開更具實驗性的早期 The Human League 樂團 組成 Heaven 17 後, Phil Oakey 帶領樂團走向了一個新的、更平易近人的方向。 他的專輯 《 Dare 》 風靡全球,這張專輯充滿了...