2017年12月7日 星期四

The Chipmunks- The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don't Be Late)

聖誕節快到了你一定不能忘了"The Chipmunk Song" (Christmas Don't Be Late)這一首聖誕歌

"The Chipmunk Song" 1958年的一首四週冠軍曲歌曲中的AlvinSimonTheodore是當年Liberty唱片公司的企劃人員的名字這一首有趣的歌自1959-1964年每年重新發行直到2008年還又發行一次,可見其受歡迎程度

Alvin and the Chipmunks原來叫 David Seville and the Chipmunks 或更簡單的叫 The Chipmunks 這是一個卡通形象合唱團1958年由Ross Bagdasarian Sr.為錄唱片而創的虛擬合唱團

David "Dave" Seville也是一個虛擬的角色,""是這個虛擬的合唱團Alvin and the Chipmunks的製作人與經紀人,這一個角色也是由Ross Bagdasarian Sr.所創,他曾經在the Chipmunks出現之前用過"David Seville"這個名字,1950年代的時候他錄過一些新鮮類似廣播劇的唱片,其中之一"Witch Doctor"劇中男主角就叫David Seville,他被塑造成一個講話音調很高速度很快的人物,後來Bagdasarian "The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don't Be Late)歌中就用了這個人物,這一首歌向大眾介紹了Alvin and the Chipmunks合唱團與製作人"Dave" Bagdasarian 接著根據the Alvin and the Chipmunks 合唱團的概念又推出了The Alvin Show,其中就有虛擬的角色David Seville

Bagdasarian Sr. 1972年去世,他兒子Ross Bagdasarian Jr.繼承了Bagdasarian Productions這個製作公司,他將David Seville這個虛擬角色復活,1980年代先推出專輯唱片Chipmunk Punk,接著有系列電視節目Alvin and the Chipmunks,這節目19831990年先後播了七年,從1972年繼承父業後他就一直擔任David Seville的配音。除了電視劇集、卡通特別節目、錄影光碟製作之外,2015年他還重新推出the Alvin and the Chipmunks電視節目。

演員Jason Lee曾在一系列介紹Alvin and the Chipmunks電影當中扮演David Seville ,這些電影混和真人演出與穿插的卡通鏡頭,但沒有Ross Bagdasarian, Jr.的配音。

"The Chipmunk Song" 除了於1958年獲得四週冠軍之外,在當年還得到Grammy最佳兒童唱片與最佳喜劇唱片獎

The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don’t Be Late)
The Chipmunks & David Seville

             (all right you Chipmunks! Ready to sing your song?
                             -I'll say we are!
                            -Let's sing it now!
                                Okay, Simon?
                              Okay, Theodore?
                         Okay, Alvin? Alvin? ALVIN!

                     Christmas, Christmas time is near
                      Time for toys and time for cheer
                     We've been good, but we can't last
                        Hurry Christmas, hurry fast
                      Want a plane that loops the loop
                           Me, I want a hula hoop
                        We can hardly stand the wait
                      Please Christmas, don't be late.

                          (Okay fellas get ready.
                         That was very good, Simon.
                            Very good Theodore.
                Ah, Alvin, you were a little flat, watch it.
                          Ah, Alvin. Alvin. ALVIN!

                      Want a plane that loops the loop
                          I still want a hula hoop
                        We can hardly stand the wait
                      Please Christmas, don't be late.
                        We can hardly stand the wait
                      Please Christmas, don't be late.

                              (Very good, boys
               -Lets sing it again! Yeah, lets sing it again!
                   No, That's enough, lets not overdo it
                        -What do you mean overdo it?
                         -We want to sing it again!
                          Now wait a minute, boys
                        -Why can't we sing it again?
                            -[chipmunk chatter]
               Alvin, cut that out..Theodore, just a minute.
                   Simon will you cut that out? Boys...)



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