2022年3月17日 星期四

Linda Ronstadt-Heat Wave

  上週介紹Glass Animals “Heat Waves”乍聽之下以為是一首老歌新唱曲,經查資料發現不同,那一首老歌“Heat Wave”最早由Martha &The Vandellas1963年推出,最高獲得第4名。1975Linda Ronstad重新翻唱獲得第5名。

  Martha &The Vandellas是 一個來自底特律的黑人女聲三重唱,主唱是Martha Reeves,他們除了“Heat Wave”之外,在排行榜上名次最好的歌是1964年獲得第2名的Dancing in the street,這首歌在滾石雜誌500大歌曲榜獲得第40名,是一首進入搖滾樂名人堂的經典歌曲,很多人翻唱名次都沒有超過她們。

  Linda Ronstad來自亞利桑那州Tucson,是歷年暢銷歌星排行榜獲得第70名的巨星,她在排行榜上名次最好的歌是1974年獲得冠軍的You're No Good”,她翻唱 Martha &The Vandellas “Heat Wave” 頗為傳神,令人一曲難忘,可惜2013年她宣告自己獲得帕金森氏病,自此退出歌壇,令人不勝唏噓。





Heat Wave

Linda Ronstadt


Whenever I'm with him

Something inside

Starts to burning

And I'm filled with desire


Could it be a devil in me

Or is this the way love's supposed to be


It's like a heat wave

Burning in my heart

Can't keep from crying

It's tearing me apart


Whenever he calls my name

Soft, low, sweet and plain

I feel, yeah, yeah

Well, I feel that burning flame


Has high blood pressure got a hold on me

Or is this the way love's supposed to be


It's like a heat wave

Burning in my heart

Can't keep from crying

It's tearing me apart


Sometimes I stare into space

Tears all over my face

I can't explain it, don't understand it

I hadn't ever felt like this before


Now that funny feeling has me amazed

I don't know what to do, my head's in a haze


It's like a heat wave

Burning in my heart

Can't keep from crying

It's tearing me apart


Yeah yeah yeah yeah

Yeah yeah oh oh (heat wave)

Yeah yeah yeah yeah

Oh (heat wave)


(Don't pass up this chance)

(This time it's true romance)

(Heat wave)

(Heat wave)

(Heat wave)

Ooh (heat wave)



The Human League-Don't You Want Me

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