2010年10月20日 星期三

Leif Garrett不良示範

1970年代後期的偶像歌手Leif Garrett,10月15日在洛杉磯法庭因持有海洛因案去申辯,他被判在十八個月內如能戒掉毒癮,這案子就可以銷掉,Leif Garrett是去年二月在洛杉磯的一個地鐵站被逮捕的。Leif Garrett係1961年於好萊塢出生,1977年他才15歲的時候,就以The Beachboys的surfin’ USA老歌新唱獲排行榜第20 名,後來也演過幾部電影,在Disco全盛的1970年代後期,他走1960年代早期的偶像歌手路線,後來陸續翻唱Dion的Rounaround Sue、The Wanderer和Paul Anka的Put Your Head On My Shoulder這些老歌,也曾令人印象深刻,它在排行榜上名次最好的一首歌是1978年獲得過第10名的I Was Made For Dancin’。
I Was Made For Dancin’
You got me rollin' like a wheel on the road
Turnin' round and round, nowhere to go
I've got to find out if you're feeling it, too
It's hard to tell, so here's what I do
And everytime I want more
I'll take you out on the floor
I was made for dancin'
All-all-all, all night long
I was made for dancin'
All-all-all, all night long
The days and nights are moving by me and you
You're such a crazy love, you tear me in two
I spend my time moving to dreams and a phase
It's a crazy love, you can see it in my face
And everytime I want more
I'll take you out on the floor
I was made for dancin'
All-all-all, all night long (yeah)
I was made for dancin'
All-all-all, all night long
I was made for dancin'
All-all-all, all night long
I was made for dancin'
All-all-all, all night long
Ah-hah, dancin'
I was made for dancin', ah-hah
I was made for dancin', dancin', dancin'
I was made for dancin'
All-all-all, all night long (yeah)
I was made for dancin'
All-all-all, all night long
Oh, I was made for dancin'
All-all-all, all night long (yeah)



The Human League-Don't You Want Me

  在 Martyn Ware 和 lan Craig Marsh 離開更具實驗性的早期 The Human League 樂團 組成 Heaven 17 後, Phil Oakey 帶領樂團走向了一個新的、更平易近人的方向。 他的專輯 《 Dare 》 風靡全球,這張專輯充滿了...