2012年4月25日 星期三

Neil Diamond 再婚

Neil Diamond 4月25日與他的經紀人Katie McNeil在洛杉磯結婚了,這是71歲的Neil Diamond第三次結婚,新娘今年42歲是第一次結婚,他們倆是於去年九月宣佈訂婚的消息。

Neil Diamond是歷年暢銷歌星排行榜第25名的超級巨星,出生於紐約Brooklyn,他是一位多產作曲人,他本名就叫Neil Diamond,但早年曾經為了事業改名Noah Kaminsky,1962年他從幕後走到台前,與Jack Parker以Neil&Jack之名出了唱片,之後於1963年轉Columbia唱片發展,再替Monkees的電視節目寫歌,1966年終於以Cherry Cherry這首排行榜第6名的歌成名。

Neil Diamond曾為電影Jonathan Livingston Seagull寫插曲(Be、Skybird)及配樂,1980年的電影The Jazz Singer更親自主演,當然片中他自寫自唱的的Love On The Rocks、Hello Again和America都獲得Top 10的好成績。

Neil Diamond自1966-1986年演唱無數動聽情歌,並有三首歌(Cracklin’ Rosie、Song Sung Blue、You Don’t Bring Me Flowers)獲得過排行榜冠軍。


Neil Diamond

Written by Neil Diamond

Baby loves me

Yes, yes she does

Ah, the girl's outta sight, yeah

Says she loves me

Yes, yes she does

Gonna show me tonight, yeah

She got the way to move me, Cherry

She got the way to groove me

She got the way to move me

She got the way to groove me

Tell your mamma, girl, I can't stay long

We got things we gotta catch up on

Mmmm, you know

You know what I'm sayin'

Can't stand still while the music is playin'

Y'ain't got no right

No, no you don't

Ah, to be so exciting

Won't need bright lights

No, no we won't

Gonna make our own lighting

She got the way to move me, Cherry

She got the way to groove me

She got the way to move me

She got the way to groove me

No, we won't tell a soul where we gone to

Girl, we do whatever we want to

Ah, I love the way that you do me

Cherry, babe, you really get to me

She got the way to move me, Cherry

She got the way to groove me

She got the way to move me

She got the way to groove me



MC HAMMER-U Can't Touch This

    One Hit Wonder 今天介紹 饒舌 樂手 MC HAMMER 1990年 得到第8 名的 暢銷曲 “U Can't Touch This ”。   1986年後 Hip Hop 嘻哈 音樂開始流行 。 嘻哈音樂也可稱 Rap 饒舌音樂...