2016年3月17日 星期四

懷念的旋律"The Wayward Wind"

1956年以冠軍曲"The Wayward Wind"成名的老歌星Gogi Grant,三月十日去世 (91)
Gogi Grant本名Myrtle Audrey Arinsberg出生於費城12歲時全家搬家到洛杉磯,因參加才藝競賽出名開始錄唱片,藝名Audrey Brown,後來改為Audrey Grant,最後才改為Gogi Grant
Gogi Grant先以"Suddenly There's A Valley"1955年獲得第九名然後才以"The Wayward Wind"於次年獲得排行榜冠軍,但是她推出其它的四首都沒進入排行榜前四十名,1961"The Wayward Wind"重新推出也只獲得50
Gogi Grant1967宣告退休

"The Wayward Wind"
(Stan Lebowsky and Herb Newman)

The wayward wind is a restless wind
A restless wind that yearns to wander
And he was born the next of kin
The next of kin to the wayward wind

In a lonely shack by a railroad track
He spent his younger days
And I guess the sound of the outward-bound
Made him a slave to his wand'rin ways

And the wayward wind is a restless wind
A restless wind that yearns to wander
And he was born the next of kin
The next of kin to the wayward wind

[Instrumental Interlude]

Oh, I met him there in a border town
He vowed we'd never part
Though he tried his best to settle down
I'm now alone with a broken heart

And the wayward wind is a restless wind
A restless wind that yearns to wander
And he was born the next of kin
The next of kin to the wayward wind

The next of kin to the wayward wind



The Human League-Don't You Want Me

  在 Martyn Ware 和 lan Craig Marsh 離開更具實驗性的早期 The Human League 樂團 組成 Heaven 17 後, Phil Oakey 帶領樂團走向了一個新的、更平易近人的方向。 他的專輯 《 Dare 》 風靡全球,這張專輯充滿了...